Late Night

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It was another late night for Kaya, she just handed 12-page essay on googles stock markets and it's rise as a platform. She was drinking matcha tea in her dimly light kitchen, determine to start her 30-page essay that was due the next night. She bounced her leg up and down, thinking about how badly she screwed up this time. Waiting the night before her undergraduate essay was due to start it. She still hadn't chosen a topic. Her left hand found its way in between her eyebrows. She rubbed aggressively creating friction and heat. She could feel gunk forming. That was the other thing Kaya hadn't washed in three days, spending all of her waken moment trying to catch up on a semester of work.

She looked at her laptop checking the time again, it was just after 3 am. Outside Kaya could hear birds chirping, the sun would rise soon. She shook her head trying to clear her mind. Her eyes went wide and then determined as she stared at the blank screen in front of her. If Kaya managed to pull this off, she would never have to worry about school again or unwanted all nighters. She placed her finger at the ready and began typing. First the cover page and then everything else.

Author's note

Sorry if this one is short and boring, but I did say this collection was of the everyday. Though I may bring Kaya back for a more interesting story that follows this one. 

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