The Tattoo

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The sun was beating down on the two love brides but they barely registered it. They were too busy playing with each other's hair and breathing in each other's breath. Their eyes were locked, Janae pushed her lover down more. He shifted his weight onto his forearms and lowered them both. He gripped the grass beneath his hands. Janae giggled as their noses touched. He chuckled in a low register making Janae go mad. He was perfect in every way. His curls were pretty, his sun kissed skin was soft and he stared at her like she was the most beautiful person in the world. She playfully hesitated over his lips. He rolled his eyes and bridged the gap between their lips. They were kissing again and Janae swore she would never get tired of his lips.

He was lying down now on the grass. His arms wrapped around her pulling her into a bear hug. She rubbed his leg with hers. His left hand found her lower back and he traced over the plastic protecting the morning old tattoo. He laughed into the kiss thinking about how crazy this situation was. One moment they were strangers in a café and the next she was asking him to choose a tattoo for her and now they were in a field of roses. He couldn't understand her but he was also forming an obsession with her. She smelled good like coco butter and her giggle was cute and addictive. He gripped her afro and deepened their kiss.

Author's Note

Asked this dude to choose a tattoo for me and instead of falling in love with me, he told me it was a bad idea. This is why I'm single, they can't match my vibe.

(Half joking about this. Also I've had this as a draft for like ever and was planning on never sharing this but this is such a cute story.) 

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