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⚠️Trigger warning Suicide⚠️

Bum can't move. He feels like he froze right where he is standing - two steps away from a dead body.
He feels Sangwoos eyes piercing into his soul.
„I thought you would be more stoked..."
Sangwoo doesn't take his eyes off of Bum.
Bum swallows hard and now realizes how much his body is shaking.
*Am I going to faint?*
His voice is very weak when he finally speaks. „What happened, Sangwoo?"
Sangwoo raises an eyebrow.
„What do you think happened?"
Bum breathes heavily.
„Did you...?"
Sangwoos warm laughter fills the room. Suddenly he pins Bum against the wall, holding him by his wrists.
Bum looks up at him, panic in his eyes.
*Is he going insane?*
„We should play a game. Two truth and a lie!", Sangwoo says in a calm voice.
His smile is beautiful. He clearly seems to enjoy this situation.
Bum stays quiet, doing his best not to panic.
*There is a dead body next to us*
„First one - we got into an argument a while ago. We cursed and we wrestled."
Sangwoo pauses and Bum tries to concentrate on his words, trying to figure out what had happened.
Sangwoo leans forward, pressing his forehead agains Bums, which makes it even harder for Bum to think straight.
„Second - I talked to him about the trauma he caused and the trauma he had to go through. It kinda triggered him a little, you know. He took his pillow, lay down and pressed his face into his pillow."
Sangwoo pauses and presses his body against Bums.
Bum gasps for air, when he feels how hard Sangwoo has become.
„I watched him squirm for a while, but he didn't give up. Eventually he stopped moving"
Bum feels how dry his lips are now.
He already knows what the third option would be, yet he can't help it and a few tears run down his face. 
„Third - I put the pillow on his face myself. Pushed it down as hard as I could and enjoyed how helpless he was, not able to push me off."
Sangwoo leans down to Bums ear and whispers. „I killed him."
Bum sobs. Is this possible? That Sangwoo would actually be able to kill a person?
Bum never liked Suk-chin. Actually, he was pretty close to really hate him. But he never wished him to be dead.
„Which one is the lie, Bum?"
Sangwoo leans back a little, scanning Bums face.
„Sangwoo..." Bum can barely see him through his tears. He wants to wipe them away, but Sangwoo still has his wrists in a tight grip against the wall.
Sangwoos expression becomes annoyed and a little disappointed.
„Don't look at me like that!"
„DID YOU?!" Bums words come out louder then he planned.
„I told you you have to guess!"
Sangwoo says angry and let's go of Bums wrists. He puts his hand on his shoulders, pushing him against the wall again.
Bum grabs Sangwoos shirt as if he is holding on for dear life.
„Did you kill him?" Tears keep running down Bums face.
Sangwoo looks at him and starts laughing. „I will not tell you!"
His smile is so beautiful, that it hurts Bum to see it. *Why do you have to be the most beautiful person and the most insane person in the same body?*
Sangwoo kisses Bums wet lips. The kiss is hungry and lingering as Sangwoo presses his tongue against Bums lips, separating them.
Bums heart races as he opens his eyes, trying to kiss Sangwoo the way he wants him to, but it's all just so overwhelming.
Their tongues dance against each other but they don't seem to find the same rhythm.
Sangwoo sighs annoyed and let's go of Bum.
„You're too innocent! You really have to learn a lot but unfortunately, we don't have time for that right now..." Sangwoo looks at the dead body.
„I need you to go back to your room, okay?"
He kisses Bum again, this time it's a sweet short kiss and Bum almost forgot that Sangwoo possibly killed someone.

Bum wobbles back to his room, his legs seem to give in at any second. When he finally arrives, he falls down on his bed and starts crying again.
He knew Sangwoo needed help and that he had anger issues, but he never thought that he would be able to kill someone, not even a bad person like Suk-chin.
*Maybe Suk-Chin did it himself?*
It is the best option. If the one lie is the option of Sangwoo pressing down the pillow on Suk-chins face,
that would still mean that Sangwoo talked him into committing suicide.
*It would still be better then him actually killing him with his own hands... right?*
Bum sobs uncontrollably.
He doesn't want to think of Sangwoo as a murderer, but deep down he was almost certain...
Bum spent so much time dealing with his suicidal thoughts in the past, that he knew how hard it is to kill yourself using a pillow.
*It's almost impossible?*

After only a few minutes passed, Bum hears noises coming from the hallways.
He quickly walks to his door and opens it just a tiny bit, hoping he would see or hear what is happening.
„First I thought he was sleeping... but he hasn't moved since I came back. And when I called his name he didn't react!"
Bum covers his mouth, trying to breath quietly so nobody would notice him.
The voice he just heard belongs to Samgwoo, but he has never hear him like this before. He sounds like he is panicking, like he is in distress.
*It sounds like he cried?*
He sees Jimin and Sangwoo walking past Bums door. They are holding hands.
„You will stay here on the hallway, okay? I will check on him alone..."
Bum opens his door a little more and sees Jimin entering Sangwoos room.
Sangwo suddenly looks much calmer, since Jimin went inside the room. His expression is stone cold.
Unexpectedly, he looks in Bums direction.
Bums heart stopes for a second, when he sees Sangwoos face.
His expression scares Bum.
*He is insane. He really is insane.*
Bum wants to close the door but he can't he is frozen in place.
Sangwoo finally takes his eyes off Bum, when the door to his room opens and Jimin comes out again.
They look at each other in shock.
„He is dead.", Jimin confirms.
Sangwoo digs his hands in his hair and shakes his head.
„No... no he can't be."
Sangwoos desperate voice gives Bum chills. Jimin goes on the tip of her toes and hugs Sangwoo.
„Let's go! I have to call the hospital manager. Come, Sangwoo!"
She stops hugging him and takes him by the hand.
„I will give you something to calm down."
Bum hides behind his door, as they walk past it on the hallway.
*Why are they so close? She doesn't even suspect him of doing anything?*

Useless People - A Killing Stalking Psychiatry AUWhere stories live. Discover now