1. Ending

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Sangwoos POV

When Sangwoo decided that he would do the therapy and be stuck in the hospital for four more month, he was so scared.
His biggest fear was, that Bum would loose interest in him and start being happy on his own. He looked so good, so well put together on the first day he came to visit him and it scared Sangwoo.
Would Bum really still like him and wait for him, once he realizes that there are more people that are good to him?
Once he realizes that Sangwoo is not the only person in the world who cares if Bum is alive or not.
Maybe he really only felt anything for Sangwoo because he was literally stuck with him? It wasn't even his idea to be roommates in the first place. It was Sangwoos idea and he did it for himself.
What if Bum realizes all of this and moves on?
Sangwoos therapy would be useless and for absolutely nothing.
*I'm doing this for him and for him only!*
But, this fear slowly fades as the days past by.
Every single day, Bum came to visit Sangwoo. He brought him warm, delicious food and stayed for an hour to talk to him and play card games.
So many times Sangwoo thought to himself, how tired Bum must be, coming to the hospital after work, managing to squeeze in grocery shopping and cooking.
So many times Sangwoo felt selfish for wanting to see Bum every day, but telling Bum he doesn't have to come, felt like disrespecting all his efforts.

„You know how happy it makes me when I see you, right?", Sangwoo said on a day that Bum looked especially tired and exhausted.
„It's the only thing I look forward to, everyday!"
Bum immediately smiles a tired, beautiful smile. His cheeks blush.
„But, if you one day can't make it, please don't feel bad, okay? I'll still be here and I'll wait for when you're able to come. And I'll be just as excited to see you!", Sangwoo said and smiled at Bum, while holding his hand.
Bum blinked a few times and then put his free hand on top of Sangwoos. He leaned forward just a little bit and smiled tiredly.
„But I will always make it, Sangwoo! You know this is the only thing I really look forward to, as well? I cannot sleep if I can't see you every day!"
Sangwoo looked at Bums beautiful, dark eyes before he pulls him into a hug and kisses Bums hair.

Slowly but surely, Sangwoos fear was gone completely.
Looking back to the first few weeks, Sangwoo is unsure if this fear was really rational or if it was still part of his relapse.
Whatever it was, now that it was gone Sangwoo could clearly see and appreciate just how much Bum loves him.
His love was so strong and radiant, that every day, when he came to visit, Sangwoos heart would race for the remaining time of his visit.
Everyday, He would catch himself having a stupid smile on his lips, or staring at Bum, when he wasn't looking up.
He was just so grateful for Bums loyalty and love that it drives him crazy, whenever he thinks about repaing him.
*I'll never be able to give this back.*

There were days, when it felt like today would never arrive, like it was so far distant in the future that Sangwoo might not live long enough to see this day.
*I actually made it!*
He couldn't sleep at all the night before his release - he felt too euphoric for this day finally to come to be able to sleep.
Finally, he would be able to hold Bum again, without anyone watching them.
*Chances are, I will never let him go!*
Sangwoo laughs to himself while walking up and down in his room, waiting for Doctor Kim to come and tell him to go home.
Sangwoo would never come to this facility again.
*I'd rather die!* He laughs again, this time he can't stop.
Maybe the fact that he didn't sleep at all played into it, but it could also just be the generell excitement, that couldn't keep him serious.
Finally, someone knocks on his door.
Doctor Kim opens it with a genuin, happy smile on his lips.
„It's time, Sangwoo!"

Together, they walk towards the exit of the hospital, a little too slow for Sangwoos taste - he wishes he could just run.
„The Doctor who will do the weekly therapy with you, is a friend from university. We will keep in contact, I'm really looking forward to see your further progress, Sangwoo. And don't worry, very soon you only need to go to therapy once a month.", Doctor Kim explains.
Sangwoo can't stop smiling and nods every few seconds to show Doctor Kim that he is listening, which is only half true.
*Can't we walk a little faster?*
After month and month of waiting and having to stay in this depressed place without Bum, he couldn't help but to be impatient.

Useless People - A Killing Stalking Psychiatry AUWhere stories live. Discover now