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⚠️TW Eating disorder and Mental Health Issues.⚠️

I want to thank everyone who is enjoying this fanfic so far. Since english is not my first language I'm very grateful for any criticism and suggestions.

It seems like Bums heart does not beat normal and calm anymore. Even now, standing under the shower, minutes after what they did, it's still racing like crazy.
„Hurry up!" Sangwoo watches Bum and dries his hair with a towel while doing so.
*I wish he wouldn't stare at me like this*
Bum nervously washes himself, trying to ignore Sangwoo.
„Don't forget the most important part!"
His expression is serious.
Bum bites his lips and blinks a few times trying to see through the water running down his face.
„I'm talking about you ass, you little shit!"
Bum looks down.
*I knew what you were talking about*
He gasps for air, when he tries to wash his lower parts.
Sangwoo sighs and comes closer.
„There was blood on the sheets. You tore."
Without any warning, he pushes Bums hand away.
Bum expected to feel pain again, to get hurt, but surprisingly enough, it doesn't hurt.
Sangwoo touch is so light and sensitive, Bum can barely feel him.
He wishes he could look up into Sangwoos face right now. He wants to see the look on his face. *I want to know what he is thinking*
After just a short moment, Sangwoo is done, cleaning Bum.
„Was that your first time?" Even his voice sounds soft. Now he looks down on Bum.
Bum blushes hard. He nods.
A soft laughter escapes Sangwoos lips and Bum doubts that he ever heard something more beautiful.
„Next time you clean it yourself, you lazy fuck!"
Sangwoo let's go of Bum and leaves the bathroom.
„Now hurry up, before there is no food left!"

Once both of them are dressed and ready to leave the room, Sangwoo grabs Bum by his wrist, pulling him closer.
„You stay by my side. No matter what happens! You will not distance yourself from me, okay?"
*Why would I want to distance myself from you?*
Bum looks deep into Sangwoos eyes. He nods.
Together, they walk next to each other through the dim lit corridors. Bum tries his best not to wobble and limp too much.
*It hurts so much when I walk*
Even when the pain makes it uncomfortable to walk, it's like he can still feel Sangwoo inside him.
Walking next to him makes Bum happy. And Sangwoo doesn't want him to leave his side.
Bums cheeks hurt as he tries not to smile.
After a short walk, they arrive in the almost empty dining area.
Bum takes a relieved breath.
Sangwoo sighs annoyed.
„The food is probably stale and cold now!"
Bum follows Sangwoo to the Buffett when suddenly Jimin steps out of the kitchen.
„There you guys are. I put your plates to the side I'll warm them up. Sit down!"
Bum notices how Jimin smiles whenever she locks eyes with Sangwoo.
*Does she like him?*
Sangwoo and Bum sit down on an empty table.
As soon as Bum sits down, pain shoots through his lower body. He sucks air in through his clenched teeth.
„I can't sit!" His voice is just a whisper.
Sangwoo looks at Bum for a moment. He looks like he is about to laugh.
„Sit on your foot then!"
„On my foot?"
Sangwoo sighs and walks around the table. He grabs Bums thin leg and sits him down on the chair.
„It still hurts.", says Bum breathless.
Sangwoo sits back down.
„You better get used to it. Didn't you beg me to do it? And now you're complaining?"
Bum shakes his head quickly.
„I'm not complaining! I'm sorr-"
He stops himself when Jimin reaches the table with two plates of food.
„Enjoy, you two!"
Bum looks at the food in front of him.
*It looks so nasty*
„How are you holding up, Sangwoo?"
Jimins expression is worried. Genuinely worried. A completely different look then the one she has, when she talks to Bum.
Sangwo smiles weakly.
„I'm doing all right! Sleeping really helped and when I woke up I was not alone."
Jimin smiles at Bum now.
„You two look out for each other, okay?"
Bum nods while Sangwo smiles bright.
„We will!"
Jimin smiles one last time at Sangwoo and then walks back into the kitchen.
Bums eyes follow her until he can't see her anymore.
*They Are both so beautiful...*
Sangwoo has not touched his food yet.
Bum swallows hard and takes his fork into his hand, slowly lifting it up to his mouth.
Sangwoo watches him intently.
„Does it taste weird?"
Bum grimaces. *All food taste weird to me*
He nods and Sangwoo looks shocked. He takes Bums plate and puts it up to his nose, smelling the food.
„Are you sure?"
„It's just... I don't like it!"
Sangwoo raises an eyebrow looking down at Bums skinny arms and hands.
„You should still eat!"
He puts the plate back down and starts eating his serving.
„It's not like we can do much about this. They give us pills anyways, who knows what they give us."
Bum watches Sangwoo eat.
*Does he thinks that Jimin possible put something into our food? Doesn't he trust her?*
When Sangwoo catches Bum staring, he frowns.
„I said eat!"
Bum, looks down at his plate with disgust, which causes Sangwoo to laugh.
„So you have no problem sucking dick and licking cum off your face, but pasta disgusts you?"
Bum looks around in panic, seeing if anyone heard what Sangwoo said. But the three other patients sit far away.
When Bum looks back at Sangwoo, he now seems to be dead serious.
Bum does as he says, slowly putting food in his mouth.
„If I hear you throw it up later, I will punish you. And since you already complain about pain, I don't think you're ready for a real punishment."

Bum managed to eat half of his the food on his plate and leans back into his chair, overwhelmed by the full feeling in his stomach.
He looks up at Sangwoo, hoping he will not make him eat more.
Sangwoos expression is annoyed.
„It's okay, I guess... let's go back!"
Once both of them stand up to head back to their room, Jimin approaches them again.
„Sangwoo, will you join me?" She holds up a pack of cigarets.
Bum looks up at Samgwoo.
*It's impossible to know what he is thinking*
Sangwoo smiles softly. „Sure! I'll bring Bum back to our room first."
*Can't I come with you?*
Jimin looks confused but then nods with a smile.
„I'll wait in the smoking room!"
Bum can't say a word while he walks next to Sangwoo, back to their room.
Once they reach the door, Sangwoo takes Bums hand in his.
*He is rough, then he is soft and then he is rough again. Now he is soft.*
Bums head hurts from the emotional roller coaster he is on.
„I'll be back soon, just stay in our room. You can sleep if you're tired."
Bum looks up at Sangwoos eyes.
His own eyes burn and feel like tearing up, he is not quiet sure why.
*Is it because I have to stay in this room, where someone died? Or is it because Sangwoo and Jimin spend time together?*
Sangwoo raises an eyebrow.
„Are you sad? Why do you look like that?"
His free hand touches Bums face gently.
„When will you be back?", Bum asks with a weak voice.
„Is that any of your business?" Sangwoos eyes scan Bums face before he takes a deep breath and answers Bums question.
„Maybe, like... thirty minutes or so."
Bum nods. „I'll stay awake!"
Sangwoo leans down and gives Bum a soft kiss. „I won't take long!"
Bum watches how Sangwoo walks back, leaving him behind.
*Maybe... I should not wait here.*
As soon as Sangwoo is out of Bums sight, Bum closes the door to their room behind him, and follows Sangwoo quietly.
*If they are in the smoking room, is the office open?*
How often would Bum be able to find out more about Sangwoo?
About the reason he has to be here and about the reason, why he was moaning his mothers name.
Bums lips feel dry as he sneaks around the corridors. Finally, he arrived at the office.
An excited smile spreads on his lips, when he pushes down the handle.
*It's open*
He quietly looks inside. *It's empty too*
No he has to be quick!
Find Sangwoos file, read his reason why he was committed as an involuntary patient and then head back into his room.
Bum closes the office door behind him and then quickly starts looking through the files.
*Oh Sangwoo, Oh Sangwoo... Oh*
His whole body is covered in goosebumps, when he finally holds Sangwoos file in his hands.
*Quick* His hands are so shaky, even flipping through the sheets feels like an obstacle.
*Signs of PPD paranoid personality disorder. Claimed his mother tried to kill him several times. According to official medical reports, no proof was found...
but how did he become paranoid? Why does he think his mother would want to kill him?*
Suddenly, Bum hears noises right in front of the closed office door. He flinches and quickly hides behind the curtain, still holding Sangwoos file close to his chest.
*I'm dead. I am so dead!*
The door opens and shortly after closes again. Bums heart stops when he hears kissing noises, loud breathing. Furniture moving...
His whole body shakes uncontrollably.
*Is this really happening, am I dreaming?*
Even before looking, Bum knew what he was about to see. He shifts a little, looking past the curtain.
When he sees Sangwoo and Jimin kissing each other hungry, while undressing each other, immediately tears run down his face. He covers his mouth with one hand, trying not to sob.

Useless People - A Killing Stalking Psychiatry AUWhere stories live. Discover now