She's like Heroine

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⚠️ TW Eating Disorder⚠️

(Sangwoos POV)
Sangwoo can't get rid of the smile on his lips as he walks towards the smokers room.
He should probably feel bad about this, but something about Bums jealousy is just so satisfying.
*He looked so pissed. I didn't even know his little face can show those emotions.*
This is not the first time Sangwoo looked at Bum and just thought to himself, how cute he is.
Never before did Sangwoo think of a guy as being cute or attractive. And now he is here, has the opportunity to have sex with a hot nurse, but he much rather spend time with Bum.
*You really fucked me up, Bum!*
The way Bum looked at him before Sangwoo left, just tells him how furious he will be if he takes too long.
The thought of Bum being mad at him, turnes him on a little. Several things come to his mind that he wants to do to Bum tonight.
*Better make this quick!*
Sangwoo opens the door and sees Jimin sitting next to an open window, blowing smoke out.
They smile at each other as Sangwoo sits down next to her.
He takes the cigarette that she holds out for him, puts it between his lips and sucks it as Jimin holds the flame of the lighter close to the cigarette.
„We need to talk about last time, Sangwoo!", her voice is calm but her expression shows her annoyance.
*Oh, last time!* Sangwoo has to hold back so badly. He would love to just tell Jimin, that Bum was watching them and that he fucked him right after he was done with her.
*Her expression would be priceless*
„You've told the doctor, that you've calmed down so much, but that wasn't calm, Sangwoo!"
Sangwoo looks at Jimin, while inhaling the cigarette smoke. The fact that all nurses can read everything that is being said during therapy makes him angry.
He has a feeling, that Jimin definitely would be someone to hold it against him.
*She is already doing it right now!*
He reaches for Jimins hand with his free one and looks deep into her eyes.
„I'm sorry, Jimin. I know I was way to rough with you, but I only realized it, when it was already too late. Honestly, it's true that I feel much calmer now, the medicine seems to be working good and when we had sex..."
He pauses and shakes his head slowly for dramatic purposes.
„I was just concerned that you would not enjoy it as much, as you used to before."
Jimin looks at Sangwoo, observing him, trying to figure out what he really thinks.
A soft smile appears on her lips.
She puts her hand up on the back of Sangwoos neck and looks at him.
„I didn't think you would worry about me enjoying it."
Sangwoo smiles back.
*Well, I really don't, so you're not wrong*
„Why would you say that? You don't think I care?", he says putting his hand on her thigh.
Jimin shrugs.
„Sometimes, when we do it, it just feels like I'm replaceable. It's not like you have many options in here so I felt like you might just use me. I don't blame you."
She pulls on her cigarette blowing out smoke.
*This is so unintentionally funny for no reason*
„Who told you, I don't have options? Maybe I'm into older women." Sangwoo smiles playfully and squeezes Jimins thigh.
She laughs and shakes her head.
„And guys can be sexy, too!"
Sangwoo laughs and Jimin slaps his shoulder playfully.
„Stop! You're nasty!"
Sangwoos eyes widen.
„Am I?"
Suddenly Sangwoo has the urge to lift Jimin up and throw her out of the window.
A few times, Jimin gave Sangwoo the impression that she might be a horrible person, but now those thoughts are confirmed.
Jimin rolls her eyes.
„Jimin..." Sangwoo shifts on his chair, leaning closer to her, until his forehead rests against hers.
Both of them are very serious now, the playful atmosphere disappeared completely.
„I care about you and I want you to enjoy every second we spent together. I'm sorry that I hurt you last time, it will never happen again."
Jimin looks at Sangwoo and he can tell that she believes every lie he just told her.
*You are so disgusting to me! The way you used your position for your advantage, used a mentally unstable patient for your pleasure... and your're calling me nasty?*
Sangwoos heart starts racing so fast. Right there and then an idea forms in Sangwoos mind. He wants her to see. He wants her to find out about Bum and him. He wants to hurt her and crush her pride.
But the timing has to be perfect. Now, he cannot afford to have any negative light shine on him. He has to do his best to get released as soon as possible.
*Maybe on my last day here, but until then I have to find a way to keep her on distance.*
Sangwoo told Bum he wouldn't have sex with her and he was not going to break this promise.
„You are so sweet Sangwoo.", Jimin says and then sighs. She looks outside the window with a sad expression on her face. „I think I should tell you now, that I'm on my period. I'm sorry!"
Sangwoo tries not to smile too hard. How lucky could one be?
„That's too bad!", Sangwoo says and kisses Jimins cheek.
She shifts her head, meeting his lips with hers. They kiss each other for a while.
Sangwoo tries to space out and think about Bum while he kisses Jimin, but her rough tongue, the nasty taste of smoke... impossible to even compare this kiss with the ones he shared with Bum.
„But I have a little surprise for you!", Jimin whispers, smiling up at Sangwoo.

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