Caught in a lie and love withdrawl?

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Time check: Friday morning
Everly's POV:

I woke up to my alarm. This week of classes had taken a toll on me. Math raddled my brain. I laid there what was my class this morning? Oh. Shit. Russian. The worst part was I had to ask for the ring back. Piper was set on selling it, which wasn't a bad idea it's just that I had to face this really intimidating teacher, and I'd already been a little bitchy to her. I wouldn't be so afraid but I had just given her sass and lied to her on Monday, now I was going to be crawling back to her for the ring I swore I didn't need. That was bound to raise questions. I dragged myself out of bed and walked into class. Everyone was sitting down already. I took out my notebook, I'd ask her for the ring after class.

A couple minutes later she spoke up with a stack of paper in her hands "good morning class", everyone answered but I didn't, she noticed and cocked her eyebrow before looking away and continuing "today you will take a test, do well it will be your first grade" she took the papers and placed them in front of me. I laughed to myself. I'd just get a C and be fine with it. I could bring up my grade right? I was putting my name in when I heard her again "one more thing, anything lower then a B and your out, I don't have time for people who don't wanna learn" I look at my paper, Well that's out the window. I'll just turn the test in at the very last second so she doesn't have time to grade it, get the ring and go.

Natasha's POV:

I gave her the more complicated test. I watched her concentrate, she kept reaching for her ring finger. I guess she fiddled with her ring when she was nervous or concentrating in the past. She was stalling.

Everyone left, she stood as the last person walked out the door and came to me, I held out my hand for her paper "I need something first" she almost choked on her words, I folded my arms and cleared my throat "and what's that?" She had a attitude in her voice "the ring", I waited a second letting panic set in then smirked going around to my desk and pulling it out, I handed it to her "what did he come crawling back?" She had a angry look on her face when I asked, her head tilted and she gave a sassy look "I'm selling it". Before I could say anything she put the test in my hand and left. She was a piece of work, a hard nut to crack, and a real brat!

I sat down and graded her paper. Just as I thought, she aced it. I smiled knowing for sure she lied. I'll confront her on it next class. Honestly she was hot, I wonder if she was bisexual. But she was my student....

I graded papers and tried to ignore it. She seemed closed off. Her ex boyfriend hurt her. I'd only seen her twice but I still wanted to help her. I had to get her to trust me.

Everly's POV:

I ran upstairs and went into the dorm. Piper was watching me "what happened to you? Did you get the ring?" I pulled it out of my pocket and tossed it to her, she didn't catch it. Piper could be....well....clumsy. I loved her though. "So what else happened?" I looked at her "I'm having withdrawals of Timothys love. Wait is that possible? It's only been like a week. I feel...I feel, oh I don't know. I need to think. I'm going to the boxing gym. Bye love youuuu" I left before she could answer my little rant.

I was headed to the gym. I had to pass a market to get there so I figured I'd buy an apple for after. Just as I was buying the apple I saw the all too familiar red hair at the back of the tent. I ducked when she looked my way. Shit, she was everywhere. I quickly sped walked to the gym and went straight to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. You need to get it together, you just miss Timothy, she's your Russian teacher for Christ's sake! And you can't trust anyone anymore. Remember?. I walked out after my conscience had its conversation with itself and sat on a bench.

After wrapping my hands I began to punch the bag. Memories came flooding back. My birth mom, foster care, Timothy, the abuse I'd endured. The bag split open. Oh shit! I took it off the hook and laid it down to stop the sand from coming out anymore. I heard footsteps behind me, I turned to see a man "I'm so sorry, I'll pay for it I swear" he laughed "no no it's ok, this happens all the time" he was picking it up I looked at him "really?" He laughed again "no, but you seemed to need it. I won't tell anyone" I was grateful I knew I couldn't afford to pay for the bag "thank you" he smiled and held out his hand "No problem, I'm Grant" I shook it "Everly" he sighed "'ve got a pretty nasty punch" I began to unwrap my hands "yeah I guess" he smiled "if you ever need to make any extra money we have sparring matches after hours, they start at 10" I put my wraps away "thanks I'll keep that in mind if I ever get in a pickle. It was nice to meet you" he keep the same smile on his face "nice to meet you to, Everly"

I took out my apple and ate it while heading back to the dorm. I opened the door and laid on my bed. My anger was coming back. I used to be calmer. I seem to get extra strong when I'm pissed and today was the first day I'd broken a bag in years. What was happening? I knew I had to stay away from people before I got hurt

We're getting there slowly. Gotta build the story! It will get better

As always: I love you all and thank you

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