New wounds

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Shits about to get really complicated. Get comfy.

Everly's POV:

I woke up and Natasha was asleep. I kissed her head and slowly crawled out of bed, I took my phone off the nightstand and turned it on while I was heading to the bathroom to pee. I was shocked at the amount of missed calls and messages 

54 missed calls: Timothy 

Message: Timothy: Everly I need you to pick up the phone 

Message: Everly I'm not kidding now is not the time to be childish!

Message: I'm not here to get you back, I'm with Piper


Message: Something happened with Piper can you just pick up the phone? please? you need to hear this

I kissed Nat on the head and headed to the balcony then called him. It rung twice then was picked up "what do you want?" I spat and he answered "Everly are you sitting?" I gripped my phone "just tell me Timothy I don't have time for this" his voice cracked "Piper is in a coma" my heart dropped "What?! no she's with our parents, they came to visit" his voice shook "The hospital called me a couple hours ago, said I needed to get to you. You need to come soon Everly" I began to cry "What happened to her? where's my mom and dad?" he choked out "Everly I have to go but you need to get here" 

The phone cut out and I shook, trying to hold back my tears. I ran inside and my body went to auto pilot. I grabbed some clothes and shoved them in my gym bag given it was the first one I could find. I shook, frantically trying to zip it up. Natasha was stirring but I didn't see her. I scribbled out a note to Nat and walked to the jet way. I threw my bags in the quinnjet and started the plane just as Nat had taught me days before. The system spoke "authorization code for takeoff" I spoke, My voice shaking "SHIELD 6-1-6 Alpha Beta" The plane fully started and I took off. 

Natashas POV:

I woke up to Wanda shaking me "Nat get up" I jolted awake and she waved a paper in my face "Everly took a quinnjet" I shook my head "no I saw her with her gym bag" Wanda tapped my cheek to wake me more and flicked the paper "read" I squinted, my eyes still adjusting to the light 

Babe I love you. I didn't have time, My tracker is on my phone


I threw the covers off me "Wanda start a quinnjet for me" She nodded and I grabbed some clothes and other things I may possibly need. 

Everlys POV:

I landed the jet and decided I would put my bags in my dorm before heading to the hospital, I could also grab Pipers childhood blanket, she loved that blanket. There was NYPD all over the place. I held up my school ID to the officer and they let me pass. I headed up to my dorm. I took the stairs and started walking down the hall. Cops were surrounding my dorm and I ran to it. An officer stopped me "Miss you need to leave" I looked at him "that's my dorm" He looked at a detective and the man walked up to me "Miss Porter?" I shook my head "what's going on?" he pulled me to the side "sit against the wall" I shook my head, my breathing quickened "please just tell me" he shook his head and I burst past him. I pushed away the officers and walked into the room. My heart exploded. 

"MOM!? DAD!?" I stumbled back and fell to the ground. I closed my eyes. Attempting to un-see the image I just had. I threw my phone to the ground and screamed. A detective pulled me up "This is a closed crime scene" I cried "what happened?" he pulled me away from the dorm "this is a murder and attempted murder case" I wiped my tears and shook "do you have a card? I need to get to my sister, Piper" he shook his head and gave it to me. I thanked him and walked down the hall. I didn't realize I'd left my bag or anything. I felt numb. I headed to the curb and stuck out my hand for a cab. I got in and spoke "Lenox Hill please" the driver nodded and drove. I sat there, wishing I never went up there. They killed them.....someone killed them.

I arrived and payed the man. I walked up to the counter "hello, I'm Everly Po-" I was cut of by Timothy running towards me "Everly! thank god your here!" he embraced me in a hug and I stood awkwardly. He eventually let go and looked at me "I'm sorry Everly" I held back tears "where's Piper?" he nodded and looked down " fourteen" I nodded and he led me to her room. He stood at the door "Just.....prepare yourself Eve"

 I walked in, she was surrounded by various machines, breathing for her. Her eyes swollen shut and she had her left leg casted. There was a bandage over her shoulder that had a hint of blood surfacing. Lacerations littered her body. I walked up to the board that had her name on it. I turned and looked at Timothy and choked out "why her?" he cried "I don't know" I walked to the chair beside her bed and held her hand then looked at Timothy "can you go?" he nodded "I'll be in the lounge" I nodded and he left

Natashas POV:

I parked the car and headed to the dorms. This was where Everly's phone had led me. I ran into officers and held up my SHIELD badge and they nodded "come with me please" My heart dropped and I followed the men up to Everly's dorm. I held up my badge to the detective "Agent Romanoff. SHIELD" he nodded and I walked past him and ducked under the tape. there were two bodies on the ground. I knelt beside them and the detective spoke "what do you see, could this be Hydra?" I looked at them and then stood "we need to get these bodies out of here, cause of death must've been blunt force trauma or they blead out from the cutting of carotid artery" they nodded and I looked at the detective "did a young woman come by, by the name of Everly Porter?" the detectives face went pail "yes she did" I clenched my jaw "do you know where she went?" he nodded "to see her sister who was also involved in the case. She was airlifted to Lenox Hill" I nodded "thank you sir, send a file report to us. This is a SHIELD investigation" He nodded "right away miss" 

I bolted downstairs. I prayed Everly didn't see anything. I needed to get to the hospital and fast. I needed to make sure she was safe. She didn't deserve this. My baby girl didn't deserve this. 

I'm sorry guys...Fluff coming up

As always: I love you all 3000 and thank you

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