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Everly's POV: 

"babygirl get up" 

I groaned and pulled the covers over my head "five more minutes Natasha" Natasha pulled the covers away from my face and kissed my forehead "nuh uh Eve, it's time to start our day" I rolled over on my stomach and she swatted my ass "up babe" I jumped a little at the contact and sat up "I'm still tired" she cupped my face and gave me a soft and loving kiss "lets go get some tea to wake you up" I sleepily nodded and she handed me a pair of pants "get dressed baby, I'll start your tea" I nodded and she left while blowing a kiss.

I rolled out of bed and grabbed the pants carrying them to the bathroom with me. I peed then fixed my hair into a messy bun. I headed to the kitchen and wrapped my arms around Natasha's waist. She turned and I gave her a kiss. She smiled and had her hand on my waist "there's my proper good morning kiss" I giggled and fixed some hair that had fallen in her face. She smiled "what do you want for breakfast?" I played with the hem of her shirt "you want eggs?" she nodded "eggs it is" 

Natasha pulled out a pan and I grabbed the eggs. We exchanged a kiss as I handed her the carton. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she got the eggs ready "I only know how to do scrambled" I giggled "you wanna learn how to do over easy?" she nodded and I smiled "ok baby crack your eggs" Natasha cracked them "now what?" I giggled "turn on the stove top to five" she did and I pulled out the salt and pepper. I stood behind her and held her wrists so I could guide her hands. Once the eggs started to cook I smiled "ok baby now flip" Natasha did and it flipped perfectly "fuck yeah" Nat pumped her fist and shook her ass a little in a cute victory dance.

I giggled and watched the eggs "your cute when you cook" Natasha turned around and kissed me "and your my cute little sue chef" I smirked "well I think the sue chef should tell the chef that she's about to burn her eggs" her eyes went wide "fuck" she stated as she pulled them off the pan. I giggled and she looked at me "are they still ok?" I nodded "baby there fine. Now lets get the avocado and bread out so we can make the toast" she nodded and we continued to make breakfast. 

Once we had finished eating I helped Nat with the dishes and now Nat was drying the last plate while I sat on the counter "soooo what are your plans for the day" Natasha put the last plate away and threw the towel over her shoulder "well the only thing I have to do is go to the Triskelion for an hour. Fury needs me to be there for some meeting with Hill and Sitwell and some others" she waved her hand and pinched the bridge of her nose, I pulled her into me "so it's one of those boring meetings isn't it?" she smiled "unfortunately" I kissed her "well I will be here. Is anyone else going?" she nodded "Rogers and Banner. Banner is going for lab supplies" I nodded "well don't have to much fun without me" a smirk painted across her face "I wouldn't dare" I giggled and hopped down from the counter "got anymore files for me to read?" she nodded "yeah lets go back to the room and I'll show you" I nodded and took her hand as we walked down the hall 

Natasha placed some folders in front of me and kissed my head "I gotta get ready but tell me if you need anything" I nodded and kissed her cheek "mk baby" she pushed my head a little in a playful manner and disappeared into the bathroom. I decided I would get into some better clothes. I took a shower last night with Nat and I knew the only reason why she was taking another one is because she trained this morning. I would've joined her training session but she got up at an ungodly hour and my brain could not handle it right then. 

I headed into the closet and put on black jeans and a burgundy sweater. After I had walked into the bathroom and gave Natasha a kiss when she opened the curtain then went to brushing my teeth and fixing my hair in a loose braid. I left and went back to her files and started reading. Natasha's life was pretty crazy. I mean the last person I read about could literally turn himself into any texture he touches. Creepy. But I didn't mind helping Natasha. Besides, I love human psychology. I love finding things out and creating things. Ok I am a geek like Tony but we don't talk about that. I continued to read and take notes on a notepad for Nat.   

A little while after Nat came out in her black jeans a black shirt and a army green jacket. She squeezed my shoulders "I gotta run baby. You good?" I turned and gave her a kiss while handing her the notebook "yes. I love you" she kissed my head "thanks for this babe. Your amazing" she held up the notebook and I smiled "no problem babe. I love doing it" she smiled and cupped my cheek "I love you too baby. See ya soon. Be good!" I nodded and went back to the files. 

-Time skip-

I heard some Ruckus coming from the lab. I figured Tony got drunk and was stumbling around and breaking stuff. I mean I wasn't on good terms with the man but some things I will never be able to ignore. If he was drunk I had to make sure he took a nap. And before you say it I am not being soft. I'm just not cold hearted. I hopped up from the desk and grabbed my gun. I walked down the hall "FRIDAY open door" I listened and nothing happened. I repeated again "Grid unlock authorization, Porter" still no movement "fuck" I mumbled under my breath as I pushed the doors open and headed into the lab 

"Tony I swear to g-" 

"Everly run!" 

Hi everyone! how are you doing on this fine evening? I'll just leave this here....

As always: I love you all 3000 and thank you

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