Who do you think you are?

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This ⚠️ means some sort of mention of kink if you don't like it scroll till you don't see it. Otherwise carry on loves.

Everly's POV:

It was Monday morning. I grabbed my tea that I had gotten earlier from my 6 am run at Teegans and took a sip. I couldn't stop thinking about class today. She knows and last time she saw me I was a bitch. I collected my things and hugged Piper then headed out the door.

I strolled into class keeping my head down, I felt her green eyes piercing my soul. I took a seat and went in my bag. I pulled out my computer and looked up as I heard the heals she was wearing hitting the ground. She placed a piece of paper on my desk and glared at me. I sat back and sipped my tea, she nodded at the paper signaling me to flip it over, I just stared at her and pulled a sugar packet out of my pocket and poured it into my tea, I stirred and sipped.I could see her agitation growing. I crumpled up the wrapping and stood "excuse me miss" just before I could walk by she grabbed my arm, I glared at her and whispered "there's still students in here miss. I suggest you control yourself" I smiled a smug smile and she let me go. I threw away the packet and sat down.

She spoke a couple of minutes later "the paper I've placed on your desk is your test. If you remember last week I said anything below a C and your out. If it is kindly leave" she locked eyes with me "now. Turn your papers over" I swallowed and turned mine over and smiled to myself. It was an A. As much as I wanted to stay away from this teacher I needed to learn Russian. I watched three of the six students get up and leave. I sat back in my chair. I looked at my answers again and realized her writing at the top of the paper

You've got some explaining to do. You told me you didn't know Russian. See me after class.

                     Professor Romanoff

My heart dropped to my chest. Oh hell no. I just....I was just so disrespectful....what the fuck do I do now?. It was common sense simply book it out of the class before she can say my name, but I knew that she stood at the door and watched us all leave. I was sitting the furthest away from the door. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I sat there in class trying to find a way out of this mess I'd put myself in.

After the long class she dismissed us. I saw a student walk up to her, this was my chance to get the fuck outta there. I walked briskly to the door she looked around the student she was speaking with "Porter! I'll be finished in a minute take a seat" there was no way I could pretend I didn't hear her. I slumped down in the char closet to me and pulled out my phone and messaged Piper

Save me! 

No reply. God dammit Piper. I just needed you awake for one time.

The student left and she walked up to me. I was jittery and reaching for my ring to fiddle with "too much sugar in your tea Porter?" Who the hell did she think she was?! I rolled my eyes "what did you keep me behind for Miss?" She leaned on my table "let's start with your lie. You told me you didn't know Russian." I smirked. I got this "miss I pay attention in class" she laughed at me. Was that funny? She picked up a piece of paper and slammed it on my desk. It was a test "read" she demanded. I sucked my teeth and scanned the paper. It was a different test. I held it up to her, I was getting ticked off "what the hell is this? The Russian test for next week? You giving me a glance so I know before hand? Huh?" She took it "oh darling. This was last weeks test. I tricked you. You obviously weren't thinking because everything on the test you took is weeks worth of curriculum. The test the others took is what we learned last week" she had this smile on her face. I gave me so many mixed emotions. I was so angry right now though "what the fuck?!" She tilted her head and cocked her eyebrow "someone's got a mouth on them?" I laughed in disbelief "yeah no shit! Look I don't know what game your playing but whatever it is it's getting old" she walked closer to me. I could smell her sweet perfume. I'm not gonna lie it was kinda hot but I'm not going down that easy. I just had to make sure I didn't make eye contact with her if I did her eyes were capable of getting me to spill my heart all over the ground. Mind you no one has ever been capable of that. Not even Timothy. There are some things even he didn't know. ⚠️She bent down and whispered in my ear "I read your ring. And your acting like this because no ones put you in your place in a while. But know that I'm not afraid to do it and I won't fucking hesitate" I swallowed as she came back up, a smile spread on her face. I had two decisions I could make. One Cower in a corner and submit or continue to be a brat and see how far I can go with this. I mess with her but never give her what she wants. I sipped my tea and stood "dobryy den' Natasha" ( good day Natasha) I walked out leaving her stunned, I could tell she was frustrated. It was the same look Timothy would give me when I teased him in public, but more intense. Let's just pray I'm not screwing myself over with this one.

Natasha's POV:

This little girl was really trying to push my buttons. I let off more then I was feeling. It didn't really bother me much. I just thought it was adorable how much dominance she thought she had over me. I took everything in me not to grab her throat and spank the shit out of her for her misconduct. But I smiled knowing that it was all adding up for the day when she couldn't take it anymore. She was aroused, her legs were tightly held shut. I had this in the bag, I just had to wait out her little act she was keeping up. I also knew she was hurting. I wanted to comfort her and be there for her. I wanted to be her caregiver, mommy, her girlfriend. I wanted to be hers.

Thank you for reading loves. Comment if you have any ideas on where you want this to go

As always. I love you all and thank you

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