energy expel

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So this an idea by @SimpForScarlettOlsen A ligament angel because she read my mind *cough cough* Wanda powers. Any way! thank to all my readers out there! I cannot even begin to explain how much I appreciate you taking the time to read my writing! ok ok lets get on with it! 

The fact that I have 13.4k on this I am crying. I love you all so much

Everly's POV: A week after the last chapter

I woke up in Natasha's arms, she bent over and placed a kiss on my forehead. I felt her hand go up the back of my shirt and she gently ran her nails along my skin. She knew that kind of stuff put me in a trance and relaxed my whole body. 

(what I'd give to have her do this to me)

"how long was I out for?" I mumbled and she tucked a loose hair behind my ear "three hours baby" I nodded and she continued to run her nails along my back "are you calm now baby?" I nodded and she smiled "good" I giggled "well watching you beat Timothy is helping" she smiled and I looked at her "has he talked yet?" she shook her head "don't worry about that baby. I'll take care of him and you take care of Piper ok baby?" I nodded and she kissed my head "you remember what I said about him right?" I nodded "yeah sure" she cocked her eyebrow "Everly?" I put my hands up "ok ok. Don't go near him" she got up "ok baby good girl, I have a meeting with Fury so you practice your coordination with your left" she tossed me the small foam golf ball and I caught it "Nat you know I hate the left" she nodded "exactly. Come on start throwing" I sighed and laid back then started throwing it against the wall, she kissed my head and left. Nat had me throw a foam golf ball against the wall so it would improve my coordination and reaction time. As much as I hated doing it the throwing actually helped. I was able to expect punches sooner. She always knew how to help me and I listened....well most of the time. 

After about thirty minutes I got bored. I sat up and grabbed Nat's tablet. It showed Timothy sitting in his chair. I knew I could get him to talk and Nat was in a meeting I'd just delete the footage. I walked down to his cell and looked at the two guards "Agent Romanoff is requesting you in the briefing room" I easily lied and they walked off. I grabbed their badge as they walked by me without noticing and entered the card. I entered the room and sat. 

Timothy sickly smiled and I simply sat. He looked at me "I knew you'd come Eve" I looked at him "you aren't talking" he sat back "your girlfriend isn't much of a talker but you are, you love to talk" I sat back "yeah I like to talk but the language I use is different now" he narrowed his eyes at me "do tell" I sat back "I use the same language as my girlfriend" he laughed "oh that's cute. If I can handle your overprotective girlfriend I'll be just fine with you" I chuckled "the thing is that when she does talk with you she isn't using any of her anger, but I will" he smiled "is that supposed to scare me?" I held my hand up "if it didn't scare you. you wouldn't of even said that sentence" he stood and paced "you know I never loved you right? I was a recruiter, for Hydra, they want you Everly and they won't stop till they get you" I folded my arms "I'm not afraid of you or Hydra" he laughed "you know your parents were afraid. They were calling your name till their very last breath, and they called for a while" my heart stopped and I remembered them then he spoke again "they died believing that you gave the orders to have them killed" I glared at him "shut it" he smiled "and Piper, poor Piper, she didn't stand a chance" I opened the barrier and started attacking him, my anger taking over me, my body returning to auto pilot. 

I ran and hit him with a roundhouse then started my combinations on his face. jab, jab, uppercut. Hook and turn to give him an elbow strike to the back of his neck. He stumbled back and I followed with a throat punch, damaging his larynx. He held hid throat and I pulled him into a knee jab to his ribs. He hunched over in pain and I went for a roundhouse kick

Natasha's POV:

FRIDAY spoke "sorry to interrupt. Everly has entered Timothy's cell" I sat up and the team looked at me, I spoke "FRIDAY show the feed on our cctv" it turned on and I saw Everly beating the shit out of him. Tony's jaw dropped and Steve spoke "damn" I sat back and smiled while Fury turned to me "you didn't tell me she could do this" I smirked and watched her. The whole team was smiling and blown away. My smile however was so much bigger. I was so proud of her for standing up for herself. I mean yes she did disobey me but she was already beating him so why stop her. Two guards ran to the door then looked at the TV and ran back. 

Everly's POV:

I got on top of Timothy and wrapped my hands around his throat. His eyes went wide as I began to cut off his air supply. His body went limp under me and I felt two guards lift me to my feet. They held my hands behind my back and I watched as they dragged his lifeless body out of the room. Images of my parents flooded through my mind and the guards led me to the conference room. I didn't fight back, even if I wanted to I couldn't. I didn't have the will. My body went to auto pilot. 

Natasha's POV:

I watched as the two guards brought Everly into the room. I nodded signaling that they could let her go. She stood there and I walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. She stood there. She didn't bury her head in my chest, didn't hug me, she didn't even flinch. I placed my hand on the small of her back "come on Everly" I led her to the gym and let go of her hand "go on babe, let it out" I sat on the bench and she started to throw the dumbbells around the room, breaking the equipment. I sat back and let her. She needed to expel this I knew that if she held it in it would eat away at her. 

Tony walked in "Nat she's destroying everythingggg" I looked at him and simply cocked my eyebrow and he whined "Natasha do something" I heard Everly's steps coming towards me and I turned "Everly n-" before I could grab her she had just gotten from my grip and punched Tony. I pulled her off him "no baby go back to the equipment" she turned and started throwing things again. Tony stood and rubbed his cheek "fine, I'll just rebuy it" he walked out and I just watched as she continued to scream and destroy things. Some of the team would walk in for training and then turn right back around. They didn't want to become Everly's punching bag, I didn't blame them. She was pissed. 

Wanda walked in and handed me a bottle of water "for Everly" I took it and smiled "thanks Wands" She sent me a telepathic message 'her thoughts are loud' I nodded and she left. A couple minutes later I watched as Everly's punches started to slow. I stood and came closer to her then caught her just as she passes out from exhaustion. I lifted her and carried her out of the gym. All heads turned to me and Wanda stood "I'll get an IV started for her" I nodded and carried her into the infirmary. I laid her on the bed and Wanda helped get her arm ready. She looked at me "I haven't done this in a while so bare with me" I nodded "Bruce taught you tho right?" she shook her head "of course" Once the IV was in I laid next to her and held her in my arms. She slept as I caressed her face and rubbed her back. I know she's unconscious but she still deserves to be kissed and cuddled. 

-Time skip to four days-

I sat with Piper. She had come back two days ago. Her and I talked while we waited for Everly to wake up, our hands rested on hers. Everly started to stir and I smiled at her "hey princess" she rubbed her eyes then looked up at Piper "Dory?" she smiled "hey short stack" I laughed at the nickname and Piper gave Everly a hug, Everly spoke still shocked "w-when did you get here?" Piper smiled "two days. Your girlfriend has been keeping me company" Everly's eyes went wide "you didn't tell her did you?" I laughed and Piper spoke "I only told her almost every embarrassing story about you, but don't worry I didn't tell her all" Everly face palmed and mumbled "fuck" I laughed and held up my hand for a high five from Piper, she gave me one and Everly mumbled "you two are going to give me hell" I laughed and Everly sat up "can I talk with Piper babe?" I nodded "of course, I'll go make you something to eat but I need to tell you something first" Everly nodded and Piper went ahead, I leaned down in her ear and whispered "Once your recovered and in the right mindset your getting punished. You did well beating Timothy but you still went behind my back baby girl and I won't let it go. Understood?" she shook her head and I sent her off so I could plan what I was gonna do with her

Well shit, this Smut chapter coming....maybe.....possibly...guess you gotta wait. What a pity

As always: I love you all 3000 and thank you

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