Merely blood

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Right where we left off besties!

Natasha's POV:

Everly's face changed and she yelled at him "YOU ARE A COWARD!" Tony looked down "I'm your father evergreen" she ran up to him and tackled him, beginning to punch him "you lying bastard son of a bitch! Your a liar! YOUR A LIAR!" I ran up to Everly and pried her off Tony "Everly that's enough!" I held her back and she continued "YOU SAID YOU WERE COMING RIGHT BACK!" Tony sat up from the ground "I was Everly I promise I was. I went looking for you" she cried "LIAR!" Tony sighed and I held her back, it was almost like she didn't know I was there, he took a step towards her "I did" she broke my grip "your swore to me! You told me that you'd come back and YOU LEFT! You didn't come looking for me you sick bastard. You would've found me if you tried! You didn't you drunk son of a bitch. We merely share blood. You will never be my father!" He walked up to her and I looked at Tony "don't Tony!" Everly screamed "if you come close to me again I will kill you. You need to stay away from me! You are not my father! You don't have to right to call me evergreen!"

She ran out of the building and I looked at Tony "stark you've got some real good fucking explaining to do!" He looked at me "I didn't know it was gonna be her Natasha!" I rolled my eyes and ran after Everly.

Everly's POV:

I ran out of the compound and down the road. He promised he'd come back and he didn't. Now he has the audacity to call me by my old nickname. Fuck no!

I found a gas station and stole a pack of cigarettes and a lighter then started to walk around. I didn't care at this point. I pulled one out and stuck it between my lips, lighting it and allowing the smoke to fill my lungs. Natasha would kill me if she saw me but whatever. I sat and smoked, crying and attempting to forget everything.

Natasha's POV:

I'd been looking for two hours and no Everly. The sun was going to set in an hour and she didn't know anywhere she was.

I ran back to the compound "guys I can't find her" Tony looked at me "what's your deal with the new recruit anyway?!" I snapped at him "she's my fucking girlfriend Stark! Now if your smart that just made the shit imma do to you way worse!" Tony looked at me "that's my daughter Romanoff!" I growled at him "and yet I've been there for her more in these couple months then you have ever been" Tony shut right up and I looked at the rest of the team "guys she's not safe we need to find her" Wanda looked at me "just give her a couple hours Nat she was really pissed when she left" Wanda walked up to me and pulled me away from the rest of the team "you need to breathe Nat. I know you wouldn't bring her if you didn't think she could at least handle herself" I took a deep breath "she has till sun down. The minute it sets I'm going to get her" Wanda nodded "I'll help"

Everly's POV:

I decided I'd get back to Nat, I didn't wanna scare her. I walked to the compound and climbed the tower. I couldn't go inside I sat on the balcony and lit another cigarette. I didn't wanna see him ever again. Why him? The universe just loves to constantly fuck me over. I wanted to stay but I didn't know what to do. I inhaled another puff and finished the cigarette. I looked at the small couch and laid down on it and cried. I just wanted to disappear.

Natasha's POV:

I was pacing and Wanda looked at me "I'm gonna get some fresh air on the balcony ok?" I nodded and I watched Wanda open the door she turned to me "Nat get out here, now!" I stood and ran over to Wanda, she pointed to the couch and my heart dropped "baby?" I ran to the side of the couch and placed my hand on her forehead and she woke wrapping her hands around my throat I grabbed her wrists "shhhhhh it's me" she came back and looked at me then laid back down and turned away, I looked at Wanda "can you give us a minute?" She nodded and left.

I rubbed Everly's back and she shrugged me off, "babygirl" she pushed herself further towards the couch "stop it Nat" I sighed and I picked her up and pulled her into me, I rubbed her back "let it out baby" she buried her head in my chest "he promised he'd come back and he didn't. It hurts. He hurt me. How do you know him? Why him?" I rubbed her back "baby he's changed" she shook her head "I don't believe him" I held her and she cried I rocked back and forth "I've got you my love" she cried and dug her nails into me.

After a couple minutes she spoke "I c-can't stay" I looked down at her "what baby?" She hid her face "I can't stay with him Nat" I brought her chin up "baby, I'll protect you, he won't lay a hand on you" she cried "I c-can go back and I have a j-job offer, I got a card" I started to cry "baby please. I need you" she shook her head and handed me the card and I looked down at it....hydra? I squeezed her thigh "baby where did you get this?" She shrugged "some guys at my apartment the day we were leaving. They said something like hail hydra. I don't know" I started to cry "baby if there is one time I need you to listen to me it's now. These people will hurt you" she looked at me and in my eyes then shook her head "ok Natasha I won't take the job and I won't leave, but what do I do?" I sighed a big relief then placed my hand on her face "I'll talk to him baby, eventually you need to talk to him" she shook her head "he hurt me" I kissed her head "I know princess and I'm sorry, why don't we talk about this later ok baby? You must be exhausted" she nodded and I kissed her head "good girl. Thank you for staying baby" she nodded "I know your just trying to keep me safe" I smiled and kissed her "that's right baby"

After a couple minutes of holding her I looked down at her in my arms "what did you do when you left printsessa? (Princess)" her face went red and she looked down "I uh" I smirked at her "I smell it on your breath babygirl" she pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and I opened it, 12 were missing had I looked up at her "how did you get these baby?" She looked down "from the gas station" I tucked hair behind her ear "don't doge the question, did you steal them baby?" She shook her head "yes ma'am" I kissed her head "thank you for telling me the truth babygirl, you know you'll still get punished right?" She nodded "yes mommy"

I lifted her "I'll keep you away from Tony ok baby, just stay by me" she nodded and I kissed her head "ok, why don't we go to my room, your freezing cold love" she shook her head and I took her into the compound, Wanda smiled at me "glad you found her Nat" Steve whipped his head "how'd she get into the compound? The IA didn't go off" Everly shrugged "I climbed the building" Bruce's eyes went wide and I laughed "what? she's got a lot of upper body strength" Steve smiled "oh I have got to see her train" I smiled at him "not tonight she's been busy and we need"

I'll just leave this here....

I hope you's gonna get interesting soon. Check out my new book on the taskmasters daughter!

As always: I love you all 3000 and thank you

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