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Takahashi Asami

I hadn't been able to see Kuramochi much since our little session in the equipment shed because everyone became very busy with practice and practice games. It was a frustrating time for everyone as for some reason our team wasn't meshing well. Sawamura is struggling with not being able to pitch inside due to his yips, our batting which used to be our strong suit has now become our weakness and I'm worried about Miyuki. He hasn't been playing like his usual. He normally struggled to hit the ball when no one was on base but now he wasn't able to hit with runners on base as well. Every time I tried to talk to him after practice he kept giving some lame excuse and ran away. I thought maybe the pressure of being a captain was weighing him down... 

I was still not in my best condition after my break and Coach purposefully doesn't allow me to play full games because he still thinks I'm recovering. He's been swapping me between first and third base seeing as we have a few third base players as Kanemaru has joined the team now. We especially had a bad day at  an important game and we barely scored any runs- not to mention we nearly didn't do enough to qualify for the upcoming fall tournament. Coach gave us a stern talk and yelled at us making us feel even more pathetic. We ran after that. For a long time... 

 One of these past few days was a strange one as Coach introduced us to the new assistant coach-Ochiai Hiromitsu. I was confused as to why Coach thought we needed an assistant coach but I didn't think it was my place to question Coach's actions. This new assistant coach was rather quiet. He spent most of his time observing while stroking his tuft of hair on his chin. He approached me once to confirm that I was a girl. Once he confirmed that small detail, he just left. 

I was currently in my room, having spent a good hour swinging. I opened my phone to message Sanada. His team, unlike ours, seemed to be doing fantastically. They were beginning to get a win streak. He also informed me he was now officially the team's ace to which I excitedly congratulated him. A knock on my door brought my attention back to my surroundings. I got up from my bed and padded across my room to my door. I was slightly surprised to find Sawamura standing there with flaming eyes. "Hi Sawamura, how can I help you?" I asked with a soft smile. 

"Takahashi-senpai! Please catch for me!" He shouted and quickly placed his hands palm to palm infront of his face as if praying, head bowed. I blinked at him for a second, "Did Miyuki ditch you again?" He frowned and nodded. I sighed for him and inwardly rolled my eyes at Miyuki, "What about the other catchers?" 

"They are studying or helping other pitchers already. Please Takahashi-senpai!" He gave me big pleading eyes... and I couldn't say no. I grabbed my mitt and went to the shed to grab some spare catchers kit. Sawamura followed me and noticed me getting the spare kit, "You don't have to actually play catcher, I just want to play some catch." He told me raising an eye as I strapped the leg guards. I smiled at him, "You wanted a catcher didn't you? Besides I'm not used to your moving pitch, it might hit me if I'm not careful so I'd rather be prepared for that." He nodded and scratched the back of his head, a tinge of red became noticeable on his cheeks, "Thank you Takahashi-senpai." I patted his shoulder as I walked past to the indoor practice area. 

I stood at first to catch some normal throws for Sawamura to warm his shoulder. After about 10 pitches he was warmed up. I crouched down and asked Sawamura if he wanted to practice a specific pitch. He nodded and told me the inside- the pitch he can no longer throw. I nodded and moved my mitt for him. He wound up and threw. The ball smacked my mitt and the sound echoed in the room. I scrunched my eyebrows for a second before throwing the ball back for him to pitch again, "Nice pitch!" 

Again and again Sawamura threw into my mitt perfectly. I pursed my lips. I noticed Kanemaru walk past outside and an idea popped into my head. "Kanemaru-kun! I yelled. He paused as he passed the door and looked inside. "Can you please stand here for a second to help Sawamura pitch?" He looked weary for a second but agreed saying he was only doing it because I asked. I thanked him and handed some protective gear and a helmet. 

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