
255 17 1

Takahashi Asami

Shock was still ringing through my body as I barely registered Furuya get caught on the field. All of us by the dugout barely paid attention to the game, only breaking from our stupor when Coach called for Zono to step up to the plate. 

I eyed everyone's faces and saw mixed reactions- confusion, anger, sadness, guilt and some showed no emotion, clearly unsure what to feel. I was one of those people who didn't know what to feel. I rubbed at my chest, feeling a pain there as if someone was squeezing my heart and blocking my lungs making it hard for me to breathe. 

Cheers from the field made me notice that the third years got a double play and we were going back to field again already. Jun yelled some insults trying to rile us up but his words were muted in my head. 


Kuramochi called to our captain who ran back to the dugout to dress back into his gear. All eyes landed on the pair as Kuramochi's gazed at the catcher, "Did you know about it?" 

"Know what?" Miyuki frowned. Kuramochi repeated his earlier realization making Miyuki's eyes widen. Before he could reply Coach yelled at us, "What are you doing? Get out onto the field!" 

I found my voice and apologized to him, "Yes sir. We'll be right out." I gave a pointed look to everyone, quietly telling them to get their asses moving. Miyuki quickly got his gear on and with a nonchalant attitude told us to get going. Zono spoke up, not pleased with how Miyuki was acting towards the news, "What's wrong with you? It doesn't bother you..? You actually knew, didn't you?" 

Miyuki only looked at the ground, "Of course not. But... I thought maybe that could be the case, since the new assistant coach isn't from this school." The cogs began turning in everyone's heads, putting two and two together. "In any case, we can talk about it later. Let's focus on the game right now. The seniors went out of their way for us." His expression hardened and I could tell he was trying not to react to the news. With scowls on their faces, my teammates went to the field. 

I jogged to my position, eyes landing on the man standing behind Miyuki. 

After the fall, was he really going to quit? That's why the seniors moved up their retirement game?

My thoughts only made the pain in my chest tighten. I tried to swallow the lump forming in my throat but it just caused me to choke slightly. This news hurt in so many ways. As a member of this team, it was deeply saddening to hear Coach is going to quit and it is probably our fault. But as someone who was supposed to be his adopted daughter, it hurt even more. He didn't say anything, didn't even hint at it. Was it his decision or did the school advise him to step down? I was here because of him and he was leaving, just like that? It felt like I was being abandoned again. I was probably just exaggerating the situation because he was still going to be my adoptive father, but still... 

My mind continued racing with all these thoughts and the game races by. It remained close at 3-1 to the Third Years but soon we managed to get another run thanks to Kuramochi's and Miyuki's batting and Kawakami's and Furuya's pitching keeping the Third Years busy. Zono finally found his groove and allowed us to tie the game at the bottom of the eighth inning. It was then I finally managed to get my head to where it needed to be again. I gave Miyuki a look. I didn't want to say anything out loud because at the end of the day Miyuki was in charge of our team at the moment regardless of my status as vice, but I still felt the need to indicate one important aspect to him. He raised an eyebrow at me when I caught his attention. I nodded my head towards a certain individual silently telling Miyuki that it was time he came in, before the game ended. Miyuki nodded at me and shouted to Sawamura telling him he was coming in to pitch for the next inning, informing him they weren't going to do any inside pitches but rather would focus on the outside. I smiled seeing Sawamura's determined face and the eager shine in eyes to try his new pitch Chris taught him. 

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