Ch 37: Provisional Test Part 4

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The whole class got together and cheered and Izuku just chuckled at them over being so happy even though there was still another round.

As the hundred were in the waiting room and the speakers then said, "Now, will all hundred of you... Please watch the screen." As the TV turned on.

It showed the whole city in the arena being exploded then the speaker then said, "Round two's the last one! You examinees will venture into the ruins as bystanders... And prove your worth when it comes to rescuing Innocent victims."

Then Mineta said, "Pie stampers..?"

Then Hagakure said, "That means people who happen to be on the scene. We did this in class, remember?"

Then Momo said, "The term is also to refer to ordinary civilians..."

Then Mera on the speaker said, "You will not act as ordinary civilians, but as those who have hypothetically earned their provisional licenses... You're being tested on how well you respond in rescue situations."

Then Shoji said, "Look, there's some people..."

Then Sato said, "Uh... Ah?! Huhh?! Old people and kids!? What're they doing down there? That's dangerous!!"

Then Mera said, "Everyone there is a highly trained professional rescuee and in very high demand as of late!!"

Then Sato said, "Pro rescuees?!"

Then Mera said, "Please welcome the good people of Help Us Company, or H.U.C. for short."

Then someone said, "Who knew that was a job...?!"

Then someone replied, "Heroes are so popular nowadays, so it makes sense."

Then Mera said, "The members of H.U.C. will be feigning injuries all across the field. It is your task to rescue them. You will all be scored on how well you preform these rescues. Those who attain the required points at the end of the test will pass. We'll start in ten minutes so take your bathroom breaks now..."


Mera after 10 minutes said, "Terrorists have launched a massive attack! There's wide scale destruction throughout the city. Buildings are collapsing and people are hurt! With most of the roads out of commission rescue and relief squads are having a hard time reaching the scene! Until they arrive, it's up to you heroes to take charge and rescue civilians. Save every life you can!!"

Then Tsuyu said, "It's starting!"

Izuku activated "Lightning Enhancement: 47%" And left without thinking he saw many people who were probably actors and he then ran up to them and smiled and said, "I will save you all!" As he looked at all their injuries he saw some people with minor scratches and bruises and he said, "You guys are practically unscathed you guys can go to the safe zone these guys who can't walk or people with severe injuries I'll take them."

Then the actors said, "You're not that fast."

Izuku picked up to hurt people and said, "I am speed (You guys have to get the reference if you don't you guys don't have a childhood sorry.)." As he disappeared and picked up the hurt people and ran back and forth between sites taking him 10 seconds to run to the safe zone to the rescue site he was at.

At the same time all his classmates were trying to save people.

So wherever there where hurt people he would run them to the safe zone and he continued to do that until he heard another explosion as he brought the last person from the rescue site he was at.

Then as it was near the safe zone Izuku dropped the last person off and went to the explosion and saw Gang Orca.

Then Gang Orca said, "Dealing with Enemies! Can you really handle... Both situations? Now then."

Then he heard the Mera on the speaker, "The villains have shown up, and they're on the move! You hero candidates on the scene will suppress the villain incursions... All while continuing the rescue operation."

Then Mineta screamed, "You gotta be kidding me! We gotta fight too?!"

In the stands...

Aizawa said, "A scenario that would give even the pros some trouble... All this for provisional license...?"

Back to the heroes-in-training...

Then Gang Orca acting as the villain stepping through the giant hole through the wall with his sidekicks said, "What's your move... Heroes?!"

Then Izuku was the only person in front of Gang Orca and said, "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me? Like an exam student scrambling to finish the problems on an exam until the last moments before the chime?" (If you know, you know...)

Izuku then saw Gang Orca send his sidekicks up in front and Izuku took all 20 of them out by knocking them all out in 15 seconds.

Then Gang Orca said, "Wait what your not supposed to knock them out. Your just a first year! Well I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer."

Then Izuku said, " Oh ho! Then come as close as you like."

As they walked up Izuku said, "Don't worry I'll be holding back."

As Izuku used "Lightning Enhancement: 40%"

Izuku took one step and reappeared right in front of Gang Orca and said, "Too Slow! Too Slow! I have the ultimate quirk! You cannot defeat me villain!" As Izuku said that Izuku also punched Gang orca in the face sending him flying into the wall and Izuku said, "Number #10 my ass."

Gang Orca said, "You reap what you sow." As he sent ultra sonic waves Izuku dodged them and Gang Orca said, " How did you dodge them they go 1240 kph." 

Then Izuku said, "I'm a bad match up for you I can top at 3200 kph and I'm running at 2300 kph when I dodged that give it up your two slow." As Izuku charged again at Gang Orca and gang Orca could only say to himself, "Where did the kid go?!" As he said that Izuku did a uppercut as he reappeared right in front of Gang Orca to knock him 50 meters in the air.

As everyone looked at Izuku they thought, 'This kid is destroying the number #10 how is this possible?!'

As Izuku turned around and walked away with a motionless Gang Orca falling from the air fell to the ground and caused some dust to stir up. Izuku walked away from that scene.

Then Mera said, " Ahem! At present... Every last H.U.C. member on the field... Has been rescued from impending danger. Therefore, I declare that this test is... Over!!"

(Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter and are ready for Izuku's results for the provisional license test.) (Words 1077)

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