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Confusion and unease churn in my mind

For your words were hateful, yet kind.

"Understand me!" I cry

As my breath leaves in a sigh.

I am lost, but you claim I am found.

My cries of pain lay in my chest to echo and resound.

So utterly alone I curl in on myself

"Where is my protector? Come! Restore my health."

Sobs of hurt and loss tear from my mouth

"How far? How far has this gone south?"

"I hate myself." I utter in complete truth.

"Where have you gone, my sweet Immortal youth?"

Injured and so very lost

I clamber to my feet and vow,

"I will continue, no matter the cost."

My story has begun anew and my pain ends now.

Unsteady and unsure I stumble my first steps.

Then, balance restored, peace settles its nest.

Step by step I continue my life.

Away seep my lies and anew begins my strife.

Alone I may be, but hopeless I am not

For I laid my sins before me and left them to rot.

I mustn't rely on any other than myself

For those stubborn fools destroyed my health.

Heavy my burden weighs on my shoulders

For my eyes they have grown colder.

My heart hardens and my tears dry.

"Never again. Never again shall I cry."

My words ring true in the ears of the broken

Forever shall they resound, for never have they been spoken.

But sadly I must stand alone.

For I am stone.

Confessions of a Teenage PoetWhere stories live. Discover now