On the Road (Response to "Ruby Tells All")

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The bump of the cracked asphalt

Jars a memory long since tucked away

In the curve of the road

I see a curling smile

A rosey cheek

A ringing laugh

And then a street lamp glints menacingly

Off of my ring finger

My hands tighten on the wheel

I keep driving. Don’t stop.

Wearily I long for caffeine

The smell of my spilled coffee

In the passenger’s seat

Wafting to me. Tantalizing

I see a small diner

A warm mug in my hand

A whisper in my ear

Soft hair brushing against my skin

The groan of the truck

Brings me back

The oncoming headlights set on me

In deadly accusation

The scowl on my beloved’s face

As she held up a compromising letter

Small hands crinkling traitorous numbers

She wondered why I stopped buying


The angry line of her mouth


“I knew this would happen.”

A slap to my pride

I see eyes peeking around the corner

A ruffled head of hair and a nose

So much like his mother’s

And there I stood

Legal papers at my feet

The excuses fly to my lips

“It was a mistake.”

“I love you.”

“You’re the one I want.”

As the unbidden memory

Of wavy red hair rises in my mind

The smell of cheap perfume and night air

The weight on my finger drags me back

And this time,

I stay.

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