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Me: hi! and welcome to Truth or Dare

Me: this book will be fun so send me your dares

Me: now, for the contestants

(Everyone appears)

Ash: owwww... hey where am I

Serena: Ash?

Ash: oh hey there Serena

Me: ok so you guys will be partaking in a truth or dare

Pual: tch, no thanks and who even are you

Me: my name does not concern you purple grouch

Pual: excuse me!

Me: you are excused

Drew: soooo... can we go back or are we staying here

Me: good question you are staying here salad-head 

Drew: that's not my name 

Me: Sure it is!

                                                   ( I made this Btw )

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                                                   ( I made this Btw )

Everyone starts laughing

Drew: it's not funny!

Me: I'm sorry drew I just was having a little fun.

Me: anyways, send me dares and toodles

May: so we are stuck

Dawn: no need to worry

Ash: we have every right to worry

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