Chapter 2 - The Attack

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Work in the city went as smoothly as one would normally expect or desire.

While most of the kids were at school to get the education and lessons to be the generation that makes tomorrow happen, one of the parents takes the time to earn the finances that buys the groceries and pays the bills through employment. Whether it be in an office cubicle or helping to build the city, it wasn't too bad of a usage of time depending on how one would feel about the job itself or it's benefits.

The two examples of work I just mentioned are exactly where the coming scene will take place.

Nicole Watterson was typing away on the keyboard in front of the computer screen in he cubicle at the Rainbow Factory while holding and answering multiple phones at once, as she did routinely on weekdays, barely paying any mind to the radio in a neighbouring cubicle that was playing a newsreel of the days events. No troublesome traffic, no brainless coworkers, none of the family (metaphorically) crafting a recipe for disaster, it seemed this day was finally giving her a much needed break from leaving work to attend to some sort of shenanigan the family always seems to be responsible for.

Further downtown in the city was the site where an outdated structure was being removed with the usage of detonators and wrecking balls in order to make way for the future. On his way to the site to direct the operation was Patrick Fitzgerald, owner of the Fitzgerald Co. Limited construction company. For him, it really wasn't a typical bad day at work either. Just the surprisingly calm traffic and the news channel playing on his vehicle's radio. Didn't seem like anything could go wrong for once.

Back at a certain two-level blue home, Richard was slumped on the couch, muttering to no one about not being allowed to join the field trip to Daisyland. His points like "Technically, I went to this school, so that means I'm part of this school and can join the field trip" were kinda justified (at least to him), but his words were still not strong enough against Principal Brown's unwillingness to deal with his man-child like stupidity. Deciding to shift his focus, she turned on the TV and found the news promoting a movie with really nice special effects (in this world, the boundaries between real and fake are honestly quite blurry).

Further down the street, in green two-story house, Judith Fitzgerald was making an attempt to feed little Polly with the typical 'here comes the aeroplane' trick any parent would use, while the television played a news flash of current events occurring at the moment-"Why are mentioning all these four perspectives randomly and what does the news have to do with any of them?" you might ask in irritation. Well, hold your horses because we're just about to get into that.

All across Elmore, the news received more attention than normal when the following words formed from both the TV and the radio; "Thousands were stunned when the Ferris wheel at Daisyland was lifted off it's supports and sent rolling down the Stomach Destroyer roller coaster. There have been no injuries or casualties reported so far and the cause of this incident has yet to be determined, but it has been assumed that some extraterrestrial drones in the scene may have been involved. Daisyland is currently being evacuated in the likelihood of a larger scale disaster and families planning a visit are warned to stay clear. We'll give you more updates as soon as we receive the details"

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