Chapter 5 - The Hideout

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Elmore Police Station...

The sound of the jail doors closing reverberated throughout the corridor.

The cell in focus was occupied by Nicole and Richard Watterson. Their crime: obstruction of the incompetent police force's efforts to free the town from a television blockade hack they still can't trace. "You can't do this to us!" screamed Richard, grabbing the cell bars. "Our kids need us! My wife will probably get fired because she'll be very late for work! You can't do this-"

"Richard, you need to be a little more persuasive" interrupted Nicole. "Like this; IF YOU DON'T LET US OUT, YOU WILL REGRET THAT YOU MESSED WITH NICOLE WATTERSON! YOUR END WILL BE BITTER! YOUR END WILL BE COLD! YOUR END WILL BE-"

"Nicole? Richard?"

Nicole's tirade stopped, just as her deep voice did. "Patrick?"

"And Judith" replied Patrick Fitzgerald on the other side of the wall.

"What are you doing here?" asked Richard, placing his ear abasing the wall

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"What are you doing here?" asked Richard, placing his ear abasing the wall.

"What are you doing here?" asked Judith.

"What are you doing here?" repeated Richard.

"No, what are you doing here?" repeated Judith.

"What are you doing here?

"Really, what are you doing here?"

"What are you doing-"

"Can we just get to the point?" interrupted Patrick. "What happened was that some drones belonging to this Dennis guy invaded our house. They wanted our daughter, Penny, but we refused to give any information. So they turned the police against us and here we are now"

"That's almost exactly what happened to us," remarked Richard. "We helped her and Gumball escape. Because of that, they sent us here and Darwin and Anais to the juicing hall for the time being"

"Richard, it's Juvenile Hall" corrected Nicole. "Anyway, I last saw them near the forest, but that was it. No clue where they are now. Probably finding this 'Darren' stranger or something"

Patrick sighed in exasperation. "Your son's misadventures are turning this world upside down and my daughter's involved now. I told you to distance your son from my daughter. As long as he is close to her, he's nothing but trouble"

"Oh, my son is the danger?" said Nicole, anger rising in her tone. "I thought Gumball was the one in danger?"

Patrick wasn't expecting that response. "I don't know what guilt game you're playing, but-"

"I am playing the guilt game?" retorted Nicole. "It's because of your constant worrying that Penny is now afraid"

"What are you talking about?" asked Patrick. "What could I possibly want her to be afraid of?"

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