Chapter 1 - The Ride

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It was a few hours after the conclusion of another fine day for whacky and abnormal adventures you wouldn't see outside Elmore, California.

The anthropomorphic moon climbed high above the horizon, and residents were either getting ready for bed, tucking in their children or doing some casual pastime activities like watching TV and stuff like that.

The feeling of both joy and romance filled the air in two houses linked via a live-video chat.

"-and that's why I will never ever attempt to launch soda fireworks from the chimney again" said Gumball Watterson, on one end of the video chat, concluding a recount of the previous day. "Seriously, the look on her face resembled that of death, literally" he finished that part with a shudder.

"You do know that she still loves you, right?" said Penny Fitzgerald on the other end. "She can be scary at times, but she's only trying to make sure you know what she thinks is best for you"

"Yeah, I know. I mean, it's not the first time her anger scared the living heck out of me"

"And you have to admit, ever since I broke out of my shell, I can look almost as terrifying when I'm angry"

"True. But more often than not, you have a smile that outmatches the beauty of any rainbow and a laugh that makes the signing of the angels sound amateur" he said, trying to sound sincere with his own pudgy-cheeked smile and big sparkly eyes.

"Gumball," she chuckled, a little mixture of pink and red forming on her cheeks. "... that can't possibly be true. It's just too adorable, even for you"

"Aww, Penny, please don't. I already have more than enough butterflies in my stoma-" Gumball smiled, a little blush of his own on his face, before taking a quick pause to cough a butterfly out of his throat. "Excuse me"

Penny giggled some more at how cute her boyfriend was acting before saying "I suppose you're gonna be at the end-of-term field trip to Daisyland tomorrow"

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Penny giggled some more at how cute her boyfriend was acting before saying "I suppose you're gonna be at the end-of-term field trip to Daisyland tomorrow".

"No doubt about it" Gumball answered. "Who wouldn't want the holidays to begin like this?"

"Miss Simian?" responded Penny. This caused both of them to explode (not literally) into laughter at how true this was.

"Good one" hollered Gumball in his laughter, banging his fist onto the desk without care.

"No, really" said Penny, struggling to speak without giggling at what she was gonna say next. "She's protesting in front of the school right now, saying stuff about this 'happy virus' or something"

This comment was where they broke into more uncontrollable laughter as to how true this was. Gumball had no comments and could barely breathe.

Finally calming down, Penny was able to conclude the live-chat. "I'm just gonna be getting to bed. Thanks for the chat. Goodnight"

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