Chapter 44: Explanations

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Sorry, Spencer'll find out what I mean...onwards!


"Fine, in the meantime, I'll leave you alone with your little girlfriend..."

Was it just me or did she sound jealous? No, surely not. Jess wouldn't be jealous of Jamie...would she? I shook my head slightly before walking over t Jamie, who was still seething. I played the 'caring boyfriend' act and gave her a comforting hug and a kiss, telling her to calm down. She smiled at me in a way that he hadn't done for years, and I swallowed. That was the smile that I had loved, but didn't love anymore.

Not after she broke my heart...amongst other things...

.:Story Start:.

{~Jess POV~}

"Poke," said Spencer casually as he leaned against the train station wall, poking me. He had a carefree, sexy smirk on his face and his hands were now in his pockets as he regarded me with amusement in his eyes. I glowered playfully at him and glanced once again at the clock on the wall. Just five minutes before the train got here, and we would be on our way back to school, where all the drama took place. Fun.

I really wasn't looking forwards to going back. There was a hell of a lot of explaining to do: mine and Spencer's relationship, my misunderstanding of the whole Zack-Jamie thing, not to mention the whole half term. My feelings would be kept private though.

The last term at school was going to hectic, I knew. All that explaining, along with the end of term exams, meant added stress was going to cause chaos. This was going to be interesting, I reflected just as the train pulled up. I groaned and stayed standing there, not wanting to go. Spencer laughed, grabbed my hand and pulled me to the train.

His had was lovely and warm, and it sent a warm tingling feeling into my hand and up my arm, and a blush rose to my cheeks as he released my hand, and he gave me a strange look. I shook my head, grabbing my suitcase and, as usual, struggling to put it on the luggage rack. Spencer chuckled and took it off me, putting it on for me. I opened my mouth and closed it again before sitting beside him on the train.

We played card games most of the way, and we finally reached Kings Cross two hours later, and I grinned, eager to see my friends again.

"Forgot all the high school drama already?" Spencer asked, and my grin faded. Almost instantly, his facial expression mirrored mine, as though he was upset that I was upset. "OK, never mind, forget I said anything..."

But it was too late; thoughts of Zack had already entered my mind. "Jess, I'm sorry, I-"

"See you," I said dully as I spotted Nina standing with her iPod trailing from her ears, by myself. Spencer frowned, looking upset, so I gave him a smile to let him know I wasn't mad at him. He smiled weakly back and waved before heading over to Jared, who was looking between us curiously.

I snuck up on Nina and grabbed her shoulders. She turned around with a screech and then clutched her chest as she saw it was only me.

"Oh, bloody hell, Jess," she said, breathless while I erupted into giggles. She glared at me while pressing pause on her iPod and starting to talk about her half term. Half way through her narrative of a hot guy she met, we were joined by all of our other friends, so she had to start again. I could have sworn Max looked a bit put out when she started gushing about her new guy.

We headed off to school, discussing everyone's half terms. I learnt that Steph broke her finger when her little brother slammed it in a door, Nina met a hot guy, Lucy and her dad broke someone's window playing golf, Michelle brought half the post office's worth of sweets and the guys lost a signed football in a river. An eventful half term, but I still hadn't recounted my own. Cue the questions...

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