Chapter 30: more revelations, and....marriage?

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Dudes, you will love this chapter, I'm sure of it :) Not being arrogant (I hope) it's just that something that happens in it is something that surely you've been waiting for. Anyway, enough of me...Onwards!!

Unfortunately, my dad seemed to have other plans. Tommy came over again these holidays, and on the second day, dad seemed to have this weird idea that he'd actually want to make friends with Spencer. OK, so he didn't know about the whole Jamie thing, but still...

"Jess! Tommy! I'm sending you to the Richmond's house to have a bonding session with them!" he said. I groaned - dad and his stupid 'bonding sessions'.

"What? No! Dad! I can't stand-"

"No arguments. I want you to get to know each other better!" I sighed and grimly grabbed my hoodie. Danny caught onto my sombre mood, and grinned. He ruffled Amy's hair, who had got back from hospital two weeks ago, along with mum. Tommy frowned at first, and I remembered Jamie's lie to get back together with him. But then he smiled, sort of evilly, and I was wary - what was he going to do to Spencer?

We crossed the road and knocked on Spencer's door. It was opened by Eddie, and he led us through to where Spencer was sitting in the living room on his and Eddie's shared X-box 360. I could've sworn he had his own in his room. We stood there, looked at each other, and looked back at the TV screen, unsure of what to say. Neither of us was exactly friendly with him.

"Hey, Spence, you got visitors," thankfully Eddie spoke before we ended up blurting something out. Spencer turned around, to see myself and my cousin standing behind his sofa, me grimacing, him glaring. He raised an eyebrow, and Eddie scooted out of the room just before Tommy blew up on Spencer.

"I thought, considering she cheated on me with you, that you actually cared about her," he snapped, and I knew exactly what he was talking about, whereas Spencer looked completely blank.

"What?" he said, and Tommy glared harder. My eyes flickered between them, and my mind was switching between helping Spencer or not. On one hand, he deserved to be shouted at, even if it wasn't for the right reason. On the other, I was worried Tommy might start a punch up.

"Jamie," Tommy snapped, and Spencer frowned.

"What about her?"

"You cheated on her, apparently, with some slut,"

"What? We broke up, like, ages ago,"

"Don't give me that shit, Spencer. I know you cheated on her. Jess calls you a manwhore, so I'm pretty sure you've lived up to your reputation,"

At the mention of my name, Spencer's eyes flickered over to me, and I raised my hands in a sort of surrendering position.

"Hey, I haven't got anything to do with this. Well, technically, I have...Tommy, Jamie's a lying b-"

"What? A lying what?" snapped Tommy.

"A lying bitch," I said shortly. "What really happened is that Jamie slept with her best friend's ex who wasn't very happy about it, so me and my friends went to go pay her a visit for being a bitch and she went crying back to you. I think she's just desperate for a boyfriend, to be honest, because she lied to you to get back together with you. Spencer and Jamie broke up ages ago,"

Tommy arched an eyebrow, as did Spencer. I suppose he was surprised I was telling the truth for him.


"For god's sakes," I said angrily. "You two are as bad as each other. She cheated on you, and you take her back just like that," I said, snapping my fingers. The boys glanced at each other, then I guess they realized I was right. Tommy asked me once again for confirmation, and I nodded.

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