Chapter 37: First Date

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Damn, why does this feel like a filler chapter?!! Onwards.


I leaned against the door, smiling slightly, as I thought of what had just occurred. My first proper kiss, as my actual first one hadn't been anything special. But Zack was special, I thought as I started walking back to the girls dorms. And then I froze mid step as I saw an all-too-familiar person leaning against his doorframe, with an eyebrow quirked. I mirrored Spencer's expression and folded my arms.

"Yes?" I asked curtly, glaring at him.

"What's happening on Saturday?" he asked, and I frowned.

"None of your business," I replied.

"Hey, if it's a party, I want to be invited," he said, with a characteristic smirk.

"Who says it's a party? For your information, I'm going on a date with Zack. Now, goodbye," I said, and walked past him on my way to the girls dorms. I shook my head to clear his last facial expression out of my mind.

Had Spencer Richmond been jealous?

{~Jess POV~}

I couldn't get Spencer's last look out of my head. His facial expression had been caught between angry and frustrated, which I could only pinpoint to jealousy. But why would he be jealous? Because I was no longer single, so he couldn't make any more perverted remarks about me? I frowned, thinking about this. It just didn't seem right.

Deciding to forget about him, I reached my room and stepped inside to see Steph and Nina sprawled on the floor. They had been talking about me, I knew it, and my thoughts were confirmed when Steph announced that I had been 'too quick, even for a quickie'. I laughed at them, shaking my head, and explained what really went on, blushing as I made the understatement of the week 'And then he kissed me'. They were both snickering, and I gave them both the finger before slumping on my bed.

"So, you're going on a date, huh?" said Steph teasingly, smiling at me. I rolled my eyes, knowing this was only a big thing to them because I hadn't dated in forever.

"It's not unheard of," I replied, and then looked at Nina, hoping that the random question would throw her off guard. "Do you like Max?" I said, and she rolled her eyes.

"It's never going to work, guys, because there's nothing to admit. I don't like him, end of, period," she said, and Steph and I exchanged an exasperated glance. We knew she did, but getting her to admit it was tough. But not as tough as trying to solve Spencer's complex look earlier - jealousy. Argh, stop thinking about him...


It was Saturday, and I felt like I was going to explode from excitement. I was going out with Zack today!! I practically bounced out of bed and skipped around the room a few times before disappearing into the bathroom, reappearing once I had gone to the loo. Then I ran over to Steph, yelled at her to get her arse up, and skipped around the room again. She was smiling at my childish behaviour.

"Jess," she said, laughing. "You're seventeen, not seven. Stop skipping!" she exclaimed, but I ignored her, still skipping. Eventually I got tired and plopped on my bed, waiting for her to get out of the bathroom so we could go down to breakfast and I could see Zack again. I sounded like such a love struck teenager. She walked exaggeratedly slowly, and I glared at her, so she laughed and joined me as we walked to breakfast.

We arrived downstairs to see most of the group still in their pyjamas, much like us. I caught Zack's eye, still smiling, and he smiled back just as I sat down beside him. He took my left hand, which had been hanging lazily at my side, in his right and gently stroked the back of it with his thumb, making me smile. He always managed to make me smile. I sounded like a lovestruck teenager again...

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