Chapter 4: Christmas plans

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Just one week, can do it....! I found myself thinking as I left the hall again on Sunday night, a week before school finished for the Christmas holidays. It had been two weeks since we got given that stupid, pointless punishment and after fourteen evenings with a manwhore, alone, I was feeling rather tired.

That...could have been taken in a very sexual way.

I traipsed to my room and collapsed on my bed with a yawn. Steph, who was doing last minute homework, greeted me without looking at me. I was hoping to get some drawing done tonight but I was knackered. I just decided to turn in very early - at about 8.30pm.

However, sleep took a long time in coming. I was growing increasingly frustrated with a certain Spencer Richmond, who would not leave me alone. Couldn't he find some whore to shag? Why did he constantly chase after me, when I clearly wanted nothing to do with him?

Maybe it was because I let down my guard that first night and actually let myself be comfortable around him. Maybe he thought I would do that if he acted like a player. He just didn't seem to get that I just didn't want to sleep with him, and no amount of winks was going to change that.

Sure, I found him attractive and sexy, but to me he was just eye candy. There was no way I would ever do anything more than look at him. His body was attractive but his personality was repulsive. Stupid, stupid manwhore. Why couldn't he just be a decent guy, or at least leave me the hell alone?

I realised I was crushing my pillow and sighed, relaxing a little, trying to get to sleep.


Monday passed awfully slowly, as it usually did. I had the worst subjects on a Monday, no art to cheer me up. Maths, biology, English, and double PE, what fun. Spencer continued to nag me for answers in maths, I was bored to death in biology, my pen ran out in English so I couldn't write so I got a detention, and I almost fainted while running in double PE, not to mention I had to put up with Spencer and his big head.

Then I had detention after school and then my punishment. I didn't have time to draw that night, either.

Tuesday was almost as bad, but I didn't have PE, I had Health, which wasn't too bad. I shared it with most of my friends and nobody I didn't like, so it was alright.

Wednesday I had triple art - my favourite day - PE and Health. Three hours of bliss, just painting and immersing myself in the world of creativity which I loved so much, then an hour of perverted bigheadedness, then an hour of messing around with Lucy and Michelle in the back of the class.

Thursday and Friday, we barely did anything in class because everyone was so hyped up for Christmas. Even in art, we were more interested in drawing Santa than landscapes, although I did draw a snowy landscape which I was might proud of.

To my astonishment, on Friday, my art teacher had put up new displays in the art exhibition corridor and there was a whole corner with my stuff in it! There was the 3D snowflake I had made, the snowy landscape, numerous sketches and drawings and my favourite painting of the autumn trees with the golden, fiery colours.

But the most surprising part was last lesson - PE - when Spencer walked up to me. I prepared myself to either slap him or give him a yelling-at but his words were not what I expected.

"Hey, Jess, I was walking through the art exhibition at lunch. I just wanted to say, you're fucking amazing at art," the smile on his face was genuine and I stood there speechless. His face was transformed with that smile rather than the usual smirk, and also...he'd just been actually genuinely kind to me. My lips tilted into a smile.

"Th-thanks," I said softly, and he shrugged.

"No problem," he walked back over to his friends, leaving me kind of confused. Why the sudden change?

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