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Marlene McKinnon. A dead name at Hogwarts that is never used. Why should it? Magic is all the same, your identity doesn't change it. In the muggle world, it is something different. What maybe their dead name is her true name in the muggle world. They were far less accepting.

Mars McKinnon. A name most recognizable for the non-binary sixth year Gryffindor. Mars was someone who never came out around the family. Mars would use a hair growth spell during the time she spent with her family and forced Marlene back onto them. She wanted to open up, but was afraid of what would happen.

Now it was too late. Just this morning, they were having breakfast and getting ready for the two lessons they had that day. It wasn't until their NEWT level charms class that they were sent to the headmaster's office with Dorcas. Neither though much of it.

Mars knew something was off when James and Lily, two that she was very close with, were standing the headmaster's office as well, both looking grim. An odd sight to see on either of them, especially James.

"Miss Meadowes, if you could stand by Mr. Potter and Miss Evans," the kind soul asked with a grim smile. The sixth year nodded as she stood next to the two older students.

"Yes Professor?" Mars asked, their concern growing.

"As you know, Tom Riddle and his followers have been rising to some sort of power," Dumbledore began. "They have begun to look into files of muggle raised students. We have reports of several muggle families of Hogwarts students being killed."

Mars had known where this was going. They started whisphering to themselves, "no." Mars could never shed Marlene off to their muggle family.

"Mx. McKinnon, unfortunately your family was apart of this tragedy." Dumbledore finished. "As well as the Evans family. All students who are affected will be encouraged to stay at Hogwarts under the guardianship of certain professors until they reach graduation. As you are about to turn seventeen, I would like you to take apart of an organization after graduation known as the Order of the Pheonix. We would be fighting against Mr. Riddle."

Mars looked at Dumbledore and nodded. "I'll do it. Not for you, or Dorcy, but to avenge them. I never got to tell them, and now I want to fight for them." Mars answered. "Hell, I'll drop out to join the Order."

"Mars, you're still too young." Lily spoke out, her hands forming fists. "You're only sixteen."

"Now now Miss Evans. If I am correct Mx. McKinnon will have their seventeenth birthday soon."

"But Professor- they're just a six-" James argued. "If Lily and I cannot drop, neither will she. After the war, she'd regre-"

"Professor, is it possible to return to school after the war if I dropped now?"

"By then you would have the experience. As your guardian, I'd advise you wait until the end of this year. Miss Meadowes, the same would go for you. Though your parents must sign off on it."

Dorcas nodded, and she helped to comfort the two girls who had lost their parents. They were both broken, but were lucky to have people with them.

"Wait professor... Marlene, my daughter.. she was supposed to be at my parents, or dropped off?"

"The Potter's had gone and found the tragedy. They still haven still have the child Miss Evans." Dumbledore reassured, "for the safety of the future, we are requesting your approval to house the baby at Hogwarts, under your care with the help of professors during classes and meetings."

"So she would be with you and Hagrid all day?"Lily confirmed. "And have a room separate from the girl's dormitory for myself and Marlene."

Dumbledore nodded. "As a young mother, I will grant you this, though only Mr. Black will be allowed in the room, as he is the father by blood."

Lily nodded. The meeting with Dumbledore ended soon after, leaving Lily and Mars to be excused from their classes for the rest of the day, so they could have time to think and grieve. It was a Friday, and the next week wouldn't be too horrible.

Even in the darkest of times of times, my parents were there for Marlene

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Even in the darkest of times of times, my parents were there for Marlene. I wish they could've met the real me. May they rest in peace.

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certifiedpad: Mars, I'm so sorry

foreveraginger: I'm here for you Mars

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