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Peter Pettigrew. A young lad who had been spending his years of Hogwarts with his best friends, and girlfriend. He was one that many would look up to, and even seek advice from. He was one of the most influential marauders, being the most respected by professors.

He had several girlfriends, and boyfriends, during his time at Hogwarts. The one who kept him until this moment, Rosie, had him for a year and half. It was a happy relationship. They loved each other greatly, but the times were changing.

The creaky cottage had silence still until the summer. The residental Pettigrews had been a quiet family. Especially with Edward Pettigrew ready to reclaim his pureblood rights.

Edward was a pureblood who was cut from all ties of the Sacred Twenty Eight. Now he was earning his way back thanks to the war brewing around him. All he had to do was to make his son swear his allegiance to Voldemort. And so he did. It was the Summer of 1974 when Peter Pettigrew had been forced to be a servant of Tom Marvolo Riddle, better known as Lord Voldemort at the time.

As time went on, the more Peter wanted to break free. To tell his friends... So when the time came, he did. His father was furious, and so he erased the memories of Peter's confession and deleted it. Peter did not get to do much that summer. He was subject to some torture and re-education. He took it, and was now entering his seventh year.

Peter knew the day would come. Rose was a muggleborn. His father disapproved of it. And now, they had to break up. Peter feared what would happen if he stated with Rose.

He couldn't go to his friends, after all his father fixed his mistake. Peter had no choice. Rather than breaking it off with Rose, he had opted to be a jerk. He wanted his Rose to not be in love with him before the inevitable happened. After all, it would be too cruel to just allow Rose to be heartbroken.

Remus had suspected something was off, and Peter refused to talk to Rose for weeks. He even moved seats. Hell, Peter was flirty with other, Pureblood, girls. What happened?

"Peter," Rose said one day, after finally cornering the boy.

"Rosemary," Peter responded. "Can I help you with something?"

"The hell Peter? What happened to me being yours?" Rose yelled desperately.

"I- I love you Rose..." Peter said softly. "I love you so damn much but I don't know how to bloody feel and I can't tell you it all." Peter's eyes were desperate. He longed to tell his girlfriend the truth, all of it. It brought tears to his eyes. "I'm sorry my Rose," he said before leaning in to kiss her.

"No." Rose pulled back angry, "you don't get kisses after leaving me for a month Peter Pettigrew. And don't 'my rose' me when you were flirting with others. Xeno was telling me to end it, but I haven't! I want you Peter, the old you."

"Well I'm not allowed to have you!" Peter shouted. "Or you could be danger."

Rose stood back. She was caught off guard. The ravenclaw huffed. "We're over Peter."

Peter sighed before falling to his knees and crying. The worst had yet to come, but he didn't know it.

The boyz🤑👿👻

cheesyboi: @forkprongs how do you deal with rejection?

forkprongs: i cry a bit and steal rem's chocolate

rebelofasacredherd: james... please tell me you weren't lying about padfoot eating my chocolate

forkprongs: look at that, i have head boy duties over in the Ravenclaw Common Room, gotta blast.

certifiedpad: wormtail, what happened?

cheesyboi: we broke up

herbsmarket: you and Rose

herbsmarket: broke up

certifiedpad: really?  i thought you two would marry

cheesyboi: well, we arent.

rebelofasacredherd: sorry pete.

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