Chapter Two

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AN- Hey i know its a short chapter and its been so long since I've updated but i hope you enjoy it and don't forget to comment, vote and fan! 

Love you guys! -Bianca (Binxx) <3

Chapter two:

Binx's POV

A sudden screaming woke me.

 "What's going on?" Kellin's voice said from right next to me on the couch.

 "The hurricane is only supposed to get worse! This bus could get blown over completely and we could be trapped!" Jesse screamed like a little girl.

 "Calm down, we're just going to have to get out of here before the worst of the wind hits." Kellin said calmly.

 "Where can we go?" Justin asked.

 "We'll there's a warehouse about 3 minutes from here, it's not usually locked so we should be able to get in."

"Ok everyone get everything you need and gather any food you can. Do you have anything in your car, Binx?" Kellin was still very calm.

 "Uhh yeah. I've got some food and stuff in my purse."

 "Okay, be outside in 2 minutes boys. We've got to beat this rain."

With that, I grab my keys and Kellin and I sprint to my car as quickly as we can. I salvage through my stuff as quickly as I can, silently thanking myself for keeping snacks, water and a first aid kit in my car.

I find my old back pack in my trunk and stuff it with whatever I can manage. Kellin takes my backpack, and I take my purse that's also filled with necessities. 

We run back over to the bus, where the boys have managed to fill a few duffel bags of things, and I point out the direction of the warehouse. 

We all throw our hoods up over our heads and run, as if being chase by something large and ferocious. By the time we reach the entrance to the warehouse we are all panting and red faced. 

Justin reaches forward and twists the door handle, only to see it has been locked. 

"Move over, I've got this." I say, grabbing a large bobby pin from the side of my hair. I bend down to the lock and slide the bobby pin into the keyhole, twisting until I heard a faint 'click' barley audible above the down pouring rain and violent winds.

"Where did you learn to pick a lock like that?" Jesse questions.

"What can I say I'm naturally good with a hair pin!" I say, entering the old warehouse. 

"What was this warehouse used for?" Gabe asks. 

"A few different things. I know the 3rd floor was used for film production and what not. My friend is an actress and that's where she use to work. If their stuff is still there then it's loaded with cool props."

We make our way to the stairs, and up to the 3rd floor. I open the door without any issue, and my eyes are suddenly graced with the sight of any teenager's dream. 

It looked as if someone was about to throw a house party over here! There were multiple ping pong tables set up for beer bong, a giant stereo system and television screen, surrounded by a large entertainment unit that faces a few couches, and all of this encased in walls with fake widows, because the warehouse itself contained none. 

We just became the luckiest people in this hurricane. 

"What time is the worst part of the hurricane supposed to start?" I ask.

"Around 3 pm today." Jesse answers. 

I glance at my watch, it's only about noon, so we have a few hours.

"Ok, let's get everything set up just incase the power goes out." Kellin says.

We pull all the couches and tables into a tight knit circle, so that we're all together if anything happens. The boys take out a few candles and flashlights and place them on the tables. Then they pull out blankets and toss a few on each couch. Meanwhile, I move all the food and beverages we have into a table in the middle of the circle.

Jack, Justin, Jesse and Gabe spread out on the two larger sofas, leaving Kellin and I to the smaller one.  

"I'm sorry that your last day being a teenager kinda sucks." Kellin mumbles in my ear. 

"Are you kidding? Getting to spend my last day as a teenager with my favorite band is the best way ever to spend my last teenaged day!"

“Well, I guess, as your favorite band, it will be our responsibility to make your birthday the best one ever!” He says excitedly, “but for now, lets go back to sleep before the major part of the storm hits.”

I smile, once again letting my heavy eyelids fall, and sleeping. 

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