Chapter Twelve

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A/N: umm... I'm sorry... I know I never update I've just been really busy with school and whenever I'm writng I need to write college essays and I dunno I'm really sorry but here's the next chapter!

I haven't editted it or anything and it's really odd but here you are! 

PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE AND FOLLOW ME! I promise to update sooner!

Enjoy! -Bianca (Binx)

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Chapter 12: (Binx’s p.o.v.)

*reminder: none of this is true, nor do I believe that people I’ve based characters off of do anything alluded to in this story*

Kellin had the next day off in order to get some rest and prepare to start writing music again. We spent most of the day sleeping, cleaning and unpacking but managed to have some fun as well.

About mid way through the day I made Kellin take me to the grocery store because there was no food in the house at all. While we were on our way to the store Kellin decided to stop at Justin’s house to pick up some stuff Justin had for him.

“Justin! Where’s my shit?!” Kellin shouted into the house as he let himself in. I followed him in looking around quietly until Justin came down the stairs.

“It’s on top of the kitchen table! What brings you here so early in the morning?” He asked.

“It’s nearly two in the afternoon!” I said while I followed the boys into the kitchen.

“She wanted to go grocery shopping, apparently the girl can cook pretty well, did you know that?” Kellin responded to Justin.

“I’ll believe it when I taste it!” Justin joked.

“Why don’t you and the guys come down for dinner tonight then?” I asked.

“Tonight? No! I’m going to some crazy party in downtown LA. You guys should come too!”

“Do you want to go, babe?” Kellin turned to me.

“Sure! I need time to get ready though…”

“Girls and their getting ready…  jeez!” Justin joked as his girlfriend, Lindsey, came downstairs.

“We’ll if you’d rather us go looking like Neanderthals that would be easier for us!” She said.

“No, no, that’s okay you can make yourself more look more beautiful than usual!” Justin replied quickly.

“What time are you guys going to L.A. then?” Kellin asked.

“Probably around nine o’clock- want to meet for dinner first?” Justin responded.

“Sure, come down to our place at like eight.”

Hours later Lindsay and I were struggling to finish getting ready together while Justin and Kellin nagged us to get going already.

“You can’t rush perfection!” I shouted back at Kellin through the door.

“We’ll if you don’t hurry up then perfection’s going to be late!” He shouted back.

We left the house a little later than we had planned and grabbed some food on the way to the party.

When we walked inside there was and overwhelming smell of alcohol and smoke, if was nothing unusual but it was pretty potent. Almost instantly other band guys came and stole Kellin and Justin away from us, so I followed Lindsay to where the rest of the girlfriends were.

“Hellllloooo ladies!” Lindsay sang as she entered the room. A thick cloud of smoke was hanging on the ceiling as three girls sat on the couch laughing under it.

“What’s new, slut?” One asked, jokingly.”

“Well, Kellin’s girlfriend. She’s new.” Lindsay motioned to me, and I gave a small wave.

“Oh! Hi!” The girl with short blonde hair said, she introduced herself as Alysha- Mike Fuentes’ girlfriend.

“I’m Ashley! Jesse’s wife, we met briefly while Jesse was facetiming me during Warped tour!” Said the young woman with light brown hair that fell neatly over her shoulders.

“Nice to finally meet you!” I said, giving her a smile.

I looked to the last girl in the room, but she didn’t seem interested in talking to me, in fact she looked like she really wanted to leave.

The other girls ignored her and continued talking to me.

“So you’re obviously living with Kellin, but what are you doing during the day? He must be working- so are you looking for a job or anything?” Ashley questioned.

“Well, I worked as the band’s photographer during Warped Tour, and Kellin asked me to come back with him to work on designs for album art and merch and what not! I’m actually really excited about it… but I mean… I can’t really do anything for them for a while now, until they write a new album or something… it’s a bit boring, actually.”

“That sucks! I mean- it’s cool you get to design and stuff but for now you’re just sitting around and not really making your own cash? I wouldn’t be able to do that.” Ashley responded.

“You should come work with me! I’m a model, by the way, and I actually know someone looking for your type!” Alysha said, excitedly.

“My type?” I asked.

“Well, yeah, you know like curvy but not fat, and cool hair colors and not too many tattoos or piercings but still have that somewhat punk look to them? I think you’d be perfect!”

“Don’t rope her into your group and their decadent ways.” For the first time that night the other girl in the room looked up from her phone and said something.

“Brittnay, just because you’re a saint doesn’t mean you have to keep the rest of us from having a good time.” Alysha said, rather rudely.

“I’m not a saint, I’m just not stupid,” She retorted, then looking right at me she said, “I would strongly advise you don’t get involved with their troublesome ways, but if you need me I’ll be here.” She then got up, and left the room.

“What’s been stuck up her ass lately? She used to be so much fun..” Lindsay asked.

“I dunno- One day she just dropped from the business and stopped coming to the jobs and the parties, and none of us saw her for a little while and when she came back this is what she was like.” Alysha answered, “but any how she’s not going to keep us from having our fun now is she ladies?!” As she said this I saw her pull a small bag of something out of her bra, and dangle it in front of us.

It was something I had seen before but never done myself- although I witnessed plenty of it at the Warped parties.

Alysha took the substance out of the baggie, packed it into a bowl and started to smoke up the room with the smell of crystal meth.

“I needed this. It’s been a long fucking day.” Alysha said, passing the bowl to Lindsay, then Ashley.

“You can say that again, Jesse’s just never home anymore because of the band and I get it but c’mon!”

Ashley motioned to me asking if I’ve ever smoked meth before.

“No, I haven’t.” I stated.

“You’ve gotta try it Binx, this stuff is amazing!” Alysha said.

I hesitated, but took the bowl from Ashley. I put it up to my lips and without really thinking my decision through, I started smoking it- and she was right, it is amazing…

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