Chapter One

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A/N: So here it is! I know the writing is awful but I think the idea is kinda fun so I hope you do to! dont forget to fan and vote and comment!

-Bianca :)

Chapter one:

Binx's p.o.v.

I guess when they said karma is a bitch they weren't exaggerating.

I pulled to the side of the highway and pulled out my phone. I sent a quick text to my dad telling him I was still at work that he wouldn't worry.

Fuck. I wish I had listened to the weather.

Rain poured from the sky so that I could barley see the road in front of my car.

All I could see was headlights coming up on the highway beside me, and pulling over right behind me.

The lights shut off and I saw the figures of a few men get out of what looks like a bus.

They ran up to my car window and tapped on my window so I could talk to him.

"WE JUST WANT TO HELP YOU!"  I heard one of them yell. I look out of the window and saw piercing blue gray eyes looking in at me, and decided to trust them.

I roll down the window and they scream, "COME ON OUR BUS."

I grab my phone and roll the window up as some of them run back to the bus. The one with the blue-gray eyes stayed, although I still couldn't make out his facial features in the rain.

We ran back to the bus as quickly as we could, and I felt a towel being thrown at my face immediately. I dried myself off, looked up and felt my jaw drop.

"Holy shit." I mumble. They all laugh at me.

"Hi, I'm Justin!"

"I'm Jesse!"

"I'm Gabe!"

"I'm Jack!"

"And I'm Kellin!" Kellin finishes with a smirk.

"Believe me, I know who you are! My name is Binx." I say, still in disbelief that I was on the tour bus of sleeping with sirens.

"That’s such a cool name!" Justin says.

"Thanks, my friend came up with it!”

"So why are you driving around in the middle of a hurricane at 3 am?" Kellin asks.

"Well I didn't listen to the weather and I was leaving work..." I say.

"Where do you work?" Justin asks.

"At a radio station!"

"Come to think of it... Your voice sounds a bit familiar. You wouldn't happen to be the DJ at 109.3 alternative rock station would you?" Kellin asks.

(A/N: I don’t know if that station exists, just go with it!)

"I am indeed! Were you guys listening?"

"We were! If I recall correctly then, you said that Sleeping with Sirens is one of your favorite bands!" Jesse says.

"I may have said that..." I smile.

"Didn't you also say that the drummer, Gabe, is really sexy?"

"Funny... I don't remember saying that one..."

"Well you did!" he says.

"If you say so!" I laugh.

"Well it looks like you're stuck with us for now! We can't exactly drive in this either so we're just going to wait it out." Kellin says.

"Well I'm okay with that!"


"Let's play the question game!" Justin says.

We all sit down on the couches on the bus, and I end up sitting next to Kellin.

"Let’s skip right to the fun part! Do you have a boyfriend Binx?" Justin asks immediately.

"You’re married Justin..." Kellin says.

"Oh... Right... Well I was asking for the rest of you!"

"Nope, I don't" I say while laughing.

"Really?" Kellin asks.

"Really really! Guys around here are a little to preppy for my taste..."

"I noticed that... I saw some guy wearing pink pants and a sweater tied around his neck and I thought he was gay at first, but then I saw him kiss some chick..." Justin said.

"Yup that's just the way guys are here, not really my type!" I laughed.

"So, what is your type?" Kellin asked.

"I'm not really sure..."

Kellin looked as if he was in a moment of deep thought, and when it became his turn to answer my question he still was preoccupied.

We played the game for a while, and one by one each of the boys left us to go to bed. Gabe, Jack, Jesse and Justin had gone off to sleep, leaving Kellin and I alone.

"So tell me more about you,” he said at about 4 am.

"Well I'm 19, I turn 20 on Thursday, I have an older brother and a dad, but my mom left us when I was 3. I love music but I have no musical talent other than DJing, and I love art."

"Wait... Thursday? That's tomorrow!"

"Yup, so I guess today is my last full day as a teenager!"

"We'll make it the best day ever!"

"Alright, but I'm exhausted..." I yawned a bit.

Kellin scooted over to me and wrapped his arm around me. "We don't have an extra bed, so you're stuck on the couch with me!"

“I don’t have a problem with that!” I rested my head on Kellin's shoulder and allowed myself to fall into a deep sleep.

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