Chapter Three

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A/N: In honor of the fact that my parents are letting me go to a Spring Fever tour concert: HERE IS A NEW CHAPTER!

PICTURE OF BINX ON THE SIDE (yes its Demi because I love her)

I'm sorry if it sucks i was having some serious writers block for what to do... but i hope you like it!


Chapter 3: 

I opened my eyes hours later to hear a loud, earsplitting crack of thunder. Suddenly I’m reminded of how much I love the sound of rain, pounding on the roof, and thunder rolling through the air.

The boys are all out and about, running around the warehouse floor. I picked myself up and wandered around until I found them all looking through a few rows of shelves energetically.

“What are you guys doing?” I asked as I walked over to where they were.

“Check this out! Its all costumes and clothes, Binx!” Gabe shouted, a bit louder then necessary.

I browsed the shelves and isles and noticed that the clothes were organized by type. While looking around, I came across a large selection of clothing made for rain, or heavy weather.

“Hey guys!” I called out, “Come here!”

“What’s up, Binx?” Kellin asked, striding towards me while holding some strange looking clothes.

“I found a bunch of rain gear!” The rest of the guys joined us as I said this.

“What do we need that for? We have no place to go!” Justin said.

“I don’t want to leave here… I want to go play in the hurricane!” I felt like a 10 year old asking to go play in the snow, childish but still fun!

“Play? In the hurricane?” Jesse questioned.

“C’mon guys it’s her last day as a teenager, besides admit it! You want to go play too!” Kellin defended me.

They all thought for a moment before agreeing and putting on rain coats and boots.

I slipped off my toms and put on a pair of tall, black rain boots over my jeans; then I slid into a heavy raincoat and zipped it up.

I waited for them all to dress, and then I sprinted to the door. The five of us ran outside, and just stood in the rain. I lifted my face, looking up at the rain falling down.

“I love the smell of rain in the spring.” I said, feeling my make up run all over my face. The guys all nodded in agreement.

“Hey guys check this out!” Jack shouted over the thunder. Justin, Jesse, and Gabe all walked over to where Jack is, and I feel Kellin’s presence appear behind me.

“You know… I’ve always wanted to kiss someone in the rain…” Kellin said, only loud enough for me to hear.

“So have I…” I mumbled, turning to face him.

I looked at him for a moment, my eyes flickering to his lips for a split second. I saw his eyes to the same to me, and he took a step closer.

He leaned down towards me, his breath on mine, I shut my eyes quickly, and I swear I felt his lips brush against mine right before Justin screamed at us to go look at whatever it was they were admiring.

I cleared my throat as I turned away quickly from Kellin, feeling my cheeks blaze with heat. I walked to the rest of the guys, with Kellin trailing close behind me. I could feel his eyes looking at me from behind, and I smirked.

I almost just kissed Kellin Quinn. Holy Shit.


I’m going to kill Justin. I nearly kissed Binx! Her curly red hair is sticking flattened to her head in the rain, and her eyeliner and makeup is smeared across her face, but I swear she’s still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.

I think back to that moment, with her eyes flickering to my lips and back, with her hot breath on mine, with her lips brushing against mine. My heart has never raced that fast in my entire life!

They all stared in amazement at the sunset blazing through the storm clouds, and while it was so beautiful, the only thing I could think about was the way her eyes shined bright, even though they are the darkest of brown, and the way she acts so free, it’s mesmerizing.

A crack in the sky and a blast of hot light suddenly caught my attention, drawing me out of my thoughts of Binx.

“Get back inside guys!” Binx screams, running to the door.

As soon as we get inside I hear a loud crash, and I feel the ground shake. Justin tries to open the door, but realizes it’s blocked. By a giant tree.

“We could be stuck in here for a while…” Justin says, worry in his voice.

“Its okay, we’ve got all the essentials, we’ll be fine!” Jesse sounds worried as well.

“Better then being dead under the tree…” Binx giggles a bit, helping to lighten the situation.

We all laugh for a moment and head back up to where we were before.

“OKAY WAIT!” Binx shouts as soon as we walk into the room. “Don’t sit down! We’re all soaking wet lets go find comfy clothes then meet back here ok?”

We all disappear into different directions to find a change of clothes for ourselves.

* * *Binx’s Point of View* * *

I browsed through the women’s clothes and found a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt that would fit me. The leggings were a little long since I’m so short, so I slipped on a pair of fuzzy socks to cover the rolled up part. I combed through my curly red hair and put in a white bandana to hold it back. I took off my make up and reapplied some with the make up I found next to the women’s clothing, and then I walked back to where we all left our shoes. I slipped on my slippers that I had worn to work this morning (it’s a radio station, no one cares what you look like) and turned around to find myself looking into Kellin’s eyes again.

“Hey Binx!” He smirked, putting his regular shoes back on.

“Hey Kellin!” I imitated him, and smiled.

“Remember when we we’re outside and I said I’ve always wanted to kiss someone in the rain?” He asked quickly.

“Yeah…” I could feel my heart getting faster just remembering the moment.

“Well, I’ve also always wanted to kiss someone in an old warehouse…” Kellin says, playfully.

“That’s interesting! I wonder where we could find one of those!” I joked.

“We’re in one!” Kellin says, mockingly.

“No way!” I try to act surprised, but Kellin takes the opportunity to catch my off guard.

And he really surprised me, because before I knew it, I felt Kellin’s lips press up against mine. 

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