Chapter Eleven

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(A/N: I'm a terrible human and I haven't updated this story in FOREVER! This chapter is really just a lot of description and transition, so I PROMISE I will post something more interesting soon! Thanks for reading!

-Binxx <3)

Chapter 11: 

All of the guys were still asleep so I went and put the box under my bunk.

“Guys! Get up!” Kellin shouted. “It’s like 4 in the afternoon and you all need to get cleaned up before we start the drive out to LA.”

I laughed as I heard groaning coming from the bunks around me. “C’mon guys I only have 2 showers in my house- and Kellin and I already showered so hurry up. And my dad is cooking!”

With the mention of food the guys scrambled out of bed and grabbed clothes, while Kellin and I walked back into my house.

By 6 o’clock we were on the bus again. All my stuff was packed and I had said my good-byes to my family. I know that I’m going to miss home, but this is a new beginning for me and I’m still in disbelief that I have the opportunity to start a new life in a new city with my amazing boyfriend and favorite band. I’m finally achieving my dreams, and I know that Jenny would be happy for me.

“What are you thinking about?” Kellin asked, clearly seeing that I was deep in thought.

“I was just thinking about how lucky I am that I have you.”

He smiled down at me. “I love you Binx.”

“I love you too Kellin.” I snuggled myself closer into him and we fell asleep, while the bus continued to drive us towards new beginnings. 

* A few days later *

“Welcome home.” Kellin said to me as he opened the door to the two store, modern looking home. “It’s not much, but I think you’ll like it.”

“It’s beautiful! I want a tour though!” I said as I walked through the door. The guys helped take all of my and Kellin’s stuff off the bus and put it in the front hallway, so this is all I’ve seen so far.

“Okay, I’ll give you a piggyback tour. Get on my back.” He crouched down and I smiled before jumping on. He walked into the first door on the right, next to the beautiful grand staircase, and brought me into a room that appeared to be just a sitting area.

“This is my man cave.” Kellin said. With a closer look I saw the video games and porno magazines that he had obviously stacked in a hurry before he left for tour.

“How pretty!” I said sarcastically, seeing as the room was quite messy.

Kellin laughed and turned around, piggybacking me out of the room. He walked around to the other side of the staircase and brought me into what I assumed was the living room. There were two large couches that when put together formed a half circle in front of the TV. I was very modern looking and clean considering Kellin wasn’t much of a cleaner.

He brought me from there into the room next to it, which was obviously the kitchen. “There’s not really much in here since I’ve been on tour for a while… and I can’t cook…” Kellin mumbled.

“I’ll do the cooking, don’t worry about it!” I said kissing his cheek. He smiled again, and brought me through the glass doors from the kitchen onto a gorgeous deck that lead to a pool and hot tub in the back yard.

“Whenever the band hangs out we usually come back here. It’s a great view..” He pointed over the side of the deck at the water.

He then carried me back inside and up the stairs. The first room he went into was the current guest room. “You can turn this into your own closet now, we don’t have many guests stay with us.”

The room next to that was Kellin’s. “This is our room now.” He smiled at me and put me down on the bed. “You probably want to put some of your own stuff in here so we’re going to have to clean it…” He said, referring to the walls that were covered in posters and pictures from past tours. “And that’s the bathroom over there.” He pointed at the door.

“There’s two more things I wanna show you, come on.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door across from his bedroom. “This is the music room. It’s where all the magic happens.” On the walls we’re all the records Sleeping With Sirens has ever made, and a few posters from their tours. Around the room were a bunch of instruments, and there was even a small recording studio within the room. I noticed a large box next to where Kellin had put a couch and some chairs.

“What’s with the box?” I asked.

“It’s a bunch of the letters our fans wrote to us. I can’t figure out what to do with them.”

“Why don’t you hang them on the walls?”

“I’ve never really had the time too..” Kellin said. “But that can be one of our projects to do together.” He smiled.

“So you have one more thing you said?” I asked.

“Yeah! Come with me!” He grabbed my hand again and led me excitedly into the other door.

“So this room used to be another guest room, but it didn’t really have anything in it, so when I found out you were moving in I called a buddy of mine and asked for a favor…” He opened the door slowly before saying, “this is your new studio.”

I walked into the room and was greeted by the nicest art studio I had ever seen. The back wall was all shelves filled with different mediums and papers, and there was a large drafting table in the center of the room. “And I remember you telling me how much you love Andy Warhol paintings, so I got the one of Audrey Hepburn to hang on that wall.” He pointed at the wall with nothing on it, across from a large window.

“Kellin this is perfect! Thank you so much!” I shouted while hugging him.

“Well I had to make sure you had an adequate space to work on our album covers and edit our photos.” He smiled.

* * *

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