24. Halfbreed

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As I laid in bed, Caelan was still in the study looking through books and old documents from centuries ago. Trying to find an answer for the reason why I haven't transformed into a werewolf.

Caelan had given me his blood more than a week ago and I feel no different, if anything I feel healthier, more so than before.

He feels like he's failing me again, which itself is insane, he has done everything he can, perhaps it's because of the stress of everything? After Ron and Mason's trial, I have found myself in a pit of depression. I still cannot believe that they both had something to do with Olivia and her almost killing me.

I am slowly coming to terms with the facts and evidence against them, not only from the past two years but way back too. Apparently, Olivia had more plans set in order after my death.

She had spies in the palace and a small band of supporters throughout The Vale who were promised large amounts of riches if they followed her and helped her overthrow the royal family.

It's almost laughable when you see Caelan and his father Kane in their true form, could anyone even compete with that amount of power? They are halfbreed royals with demon blood running through their veins, they have a long history of ancestors that come from power.

The many supporters and those that were operating within the palace had been found and had been 'dealt with' with a fitting trial and eventually- fitting punishment for the crime against the crowd and royal family.

In the span of a week, I have been cooped up in the palace with Caelan, and when we aren't here, we are at our new home. But is it really home? We are never there, I feel trapped in these palace rooms, as I feared I would be if I ever did agree to live with Caelan.

I hate it, I don't want to be here, hidden away and pictured as a weak human girl like I am in the newspapers who is hiding inside a big palace with lots of guards for her 'safety'.

I hear the door open and I sense immediately who it is. I look to the clock on the bedside table and it's currently 01:23 AM. 

Caelan sighs heavily and I hear him undress quickly, the left side of the bed sinks and then I feel him inhale my scent and come closer to my body so he can wrap his arms around me.

I sigh softly. "Any luck?" I whisper, causing him to hug me tighter as he buries his head in my neck.

He groans deeply, causing his chest to rumble. "Not yet, why are you still awake?"

I turn in his arms and I see the outline of his face in the darkroom. "Caelan, you can't keep doing this, you barely sleep or eat, you need to stop, I feel fine, really," I whisper softly as I place my hand on the side of his face.

He sighs exhaustedly. "My mother recommended we visit The Seer of The Vale, I booked an appointment for tomorrow." He says and I look at him confused.

A seer? "As in a prophet of hidden truth? Isn't that all made up?" I ask confused.

He laughs huskily and I feel him shake his head. "No, they are real Acela, but a Seer's image and the truth isn't always right, your future changes with every step you take, but it's our only option right now." He says then leans in and kisses me on the forehead. "Don't worry, I will be there with you the whole time." He promises.

Caelan yawns tiredly. "Let's sleep, it's late." He says and I sigh but nod my head and turn around in his arms and he pulls me into his chest protectively as his arms wrap safely around me.

"I love you Acela." Caelan mutters out as he falls asleep with his head in the nape of my neck.

I feel goosebumps and sigh out tired. "I love you too Caelan." I whisper out, I close my eyes feeling sleep overcome me and eventually I join Caelan as I drift off.

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