27. Family

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Third-person POV

The Lycans snarl threateningly to those in front of them, saliva dripping with each growl as their large clawed hands lay spread ready to attack the two shifted Alpha Kings in front of them, none of them there cared who they were facing against, war is running through their veins and the sound of battle beats along with their heartbeat.

The Lycan in front lets out a terrifying howl as Lucius and Kane stand unfazed from this Lycan and his friends, both are waiting for an opening, both Alpha males on high alert to protect their family and not afraid to make a mess of the new guests that arrived without an invitation.

The Lycan stares directly into Lucius's eyes as he spits out onto the floor. "WHERE IS SHE?" The Lycan in front says at Lucius.

Lucius knows why they are here, he had tried to stop this from happening. His son Rudo had not wanted to listen to reason or excuses as to why Lucius had dishonored his people by keeping a female Lycan alive.

Lucius growls warningly taking a step forward, Kane following suit as he snaps his teeth snarling out. "LEAVE, OR I WILL KILL YOU RUDO, THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING!" Lucius growls out warningly as Rudo laughs darkly.

"ENOUGH TALK! I WILL KILL YOU THEN THE FILTHY SHE-MUTT! YOU ARE NO KING ANYMORE AFTER THIS!" He snarls out before leaping towards Lucius with the intent to kill.

It happened all within a second. Rudo leaps into Lucius and swings his sharp deadly claws to his throat, he misses and Lucius growls deadly, his eyes are glowing red and he is breathing heavily as he leaps for Rudo and successfully hits him, he pierces his flesh and both Lycans begin to circle each other.

Kane has already killed one of the Lycans that were with Rudo, multiple Lycans surround Kane, circling him and snapping their teeth towards the large wolf.

The Lycans know they are not getting out of this alive, their job is to distract the dangerous large wolf-demon halfbreed royal King. He had easily killed one of their trained warriors with a single bite from his strong jaws.

Blood drips from Kane's mouth as he grins darkly towards those circling him. Kane had grown bored in this large castle, this was child play for him, the Lycans sealed their fate when they threatened his family, in his eyes they were already dead, the Lycans knew this and Kane knew that these pups were no match for him.

He would finish them fast so he could snap the neck of this mutt Rudo for disrespecting him and threatening the life of his family if Lucius doesn't kill him first.

"YOU THINK THE MUTT IS SAFE IN THE WALLS OLD MAN?" Rudo yells out with a smirk as they both circle each other as Kane and Lucius glared at Rudo with snarls, both growing tired of the pup's games.

Rudo was not lying. His Lycan followers were all throughout the castle by now, the picture of the female Lycan is burned into their memory, they will not stop searching, they will kill everything in their path until she is dead.

The son of Lucius needed her dead. She threatened his right to the throne, it was his and if his father wasn't going to give it to him, he was going to take it! And kill his favorite child while doing it.


Caelan had led Acela and his mother Sora to an underground escape tunnel that leads to the woods near the castle grounds, no one should know of this passage, he knew this was the only way to keep his mate safe.

Acela grips onto the vial tightly as her heartbeat beats hard in her chest. "This can't be happening right now." She whispers out to herself as she tries to stead her heartbeat, she focuses solely on the back of Caelan as he leads her and Sora through the dark tunnel.

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