19. Desolate

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3rd person POV

The man with the scar lays the out cold unconscious human girl on the broken filthy tattered mattress on the floor in the cold dark room as he stares at her lifeless body with emptiness in his eyes, this girl he was sure would give him his revenge for his family. The man with the scar turns and leaves the human girl in the cold, gripping a key and lock in a clenched burned hand.

He locks the cold steel door then turns to leave, his job is done and there is nothing but to wait until the girl awakens then he can get his revenge.

Heading up into the house he sees more of his men around the compound, it wasn't a house but more of a hideout, no doubt the prince is awake and very pissed that his men had broke through their security and taken his mate in his presence.

The cold man with the scar walks towards a figure sitting in a room with a single chair and a large dirty stained glass window in front, he clears his throat causing the figure to turn their lifeless eyes to him.

"Ma'am, it's done, she's out for another hour." The man with the large wolf scar across his face says coldly, he was being nice for the sake of his endgame goal.

The old woman cackles a dark cold laugh as she stands up and walks towards the dirty stained glass window, the man with a scar hated this woman with every fiber in his body but he needed her to get his revenge against THAT family, the family that ruined his entire life, they needed to pay for the lives they have destroyed, it was all that drove the man to live every day, to get the justice his family deserved.

The old woman dressed in fine clothes and jewelry turns. Olivia Aldine, she had made a deal with the tormented man with deep desires for revenge, she was using him for her own gain, uninterested in his desires, she had her own desires and this man in front of her was just a piece on the chessboard.

"Well done, you may leave." The old Aldine woman says coldly to the man with a scar. He huffs out angry and walks out the door with a slam as he makes his way down the stairs, back to his men.

The man was mad, really mad, he knew that she was using him, he let her, he just wanted to get his revenge, it was all that mattered to him and that revenge was feet away from his very spot, laying in a cold dirty damp room unconscious.

He knew at that moment what he had to do, he had to kill her before he was killed by that old crooked Aldine vampire killed him.

Gripping the key so hard in his hands he could feel the blood in his pockets as he walks closer and closer to the basement. There was no life for him anymore, he knew this was it and once the human girl was dead so was he, he didn't have long until the Aldine woman figured out he still had the keys. Moving quickly but not too suspiciously, he makes it to the basement with no one seeing him leave or make his way here.

The man with the scar peers through the dark-lit room and hears coughing from the once unconscious human, he watched her silently from the bars as she begins to wake up and look around her new surroundings, the fear in her eyes and the rise of her heartbeat made the man with the scar remember things he had buried deep down, he had to bury them so he could revenge his family, he had to.

Holding the old rustic keys in his hands he slowly unlocks the iron bar door, not once leaving his eyes from the eyes of the terrified human girl, watching her trying to make herself as small as possible in the corner of the dirty damp dark basement. Pushing the old door open slowly caused the old rustic door to creak in the quiet dark damp room.

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