Part 3

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We had the best of our nights. You ever got rebound sex? Like sex from a heartbroken fella or someone whose burden has just been lifted? Yeah, that is what it was like that night. Orgasm after orgasm. I had to try all options available to give the daughter of Mumbi the best strokes of her life. I had to prove to her that I was not only a pro in stroking pens for the best poetry pieces but also in making sure she had the pleasure she needed. We rested our tired sweaty bodies beside each other and tried to catch our breaths for all we could do at that moment. I spooned her till dawn.

She woke up a bit early but not too early for a lazy Saturday to prepare breakfast. I had the famous breakfast in bed as the man of the night. Her pretty face was complimented with a 'thanks for Jana' smile that she wore that beautiful Saturday morning. I bit my lower lip and just said my small special prayer; Father Lord, let thy will be done. Do not let her fall for my strokes, for my soul is weak. Lord keep her feelings away that we keep it at this level. Amen. I always had to tell God how messed up it was going to be if she caught feelings for me because of the awesome mind-blowing sex we had last night.

Two eggs, three slices of French toast, and pineapple juice were just enough for a rejuvenating moment. It was as tasty as the cook. I gulped down the glass of juice and bit into the toast and just felt fine. She planted a kiss on my dry lips and strut to the kitchenette to put the used utensils in the sink. Her oversize tee which hardly covered her but did much to faintly show her perfect curves. I licked my lips and she caught me in the act. She caught my stare too but I didn't really care because she loved that I still admired her after shagging her. There's that feeling this gender that made God chase Adam from Eden have that we men just want to lay them and walk away. It was not the case then, she seemed to be happy about it.

She climbed back to bed and quietly sat beside me. I still hadn't put on my t-shirt so it gave her the opportunity to trace my abs. I let her do the stroking softly on my bare chest as it seemed enjoyable for her. I noticed she had something to say but was finding it hard to get it out of her sweet lips. "Hey, what's your plan for the day?" I broke the silence and stared straight into her innocent eyes. Her eyes, coffee brown, and bright as the morning sun betrayed her very intent to keep anything from me. "Nothing really, what do you suggest?" She threw the ball back to my court.

We planned to take a walk into the wild in the afternoon. Being in a neighborhood bordering the national park is an added advantage for us; a view of random wild animals grazing around their ecosystem and a few tourists on their cars. We took a walk to Rolf's Place to have drink and use the 'hanging' bridge that connects the resort to the main gate which is on the other side of the cliff. The view of the valley in between the gate and the resort was scary. If you have a heights phobia it cannot be any easier to leave alone having fun crossing.

She held onto me tight and insisted on looking far away from down below. I teased her about pushing her over. You should have heard her screaming and cursing. It was fun. We took pictures of the beautiful spaces for memories. We walked back through Kanga Lane where we passed by a herd of buffaloes who were grazing in the green grass near the stream. As the coward, she was she held onto me tightly away from the side where the buffaloes were. Using the Daraja Hostels road, we went back to her place. She complained of tired legs, which I understood given she is not the walking type.

I was not going to spend another night at her place tonight, I promised silently. I lay on my back in the soft mattress and almost fell asleep when she tapped me and offered me a cold glass of juice and slid a plate of biscuits to me. She lay on the other side letting the plate separate our tired bodies. "You look tired but you need a shower for sure." She smiled coyly. "I am on my way to take a bath, mind joining me? She rumbled on. Being the man I was, I knew I won't just wash with a lady, fine as she was, and just wash our bodies. I knew what was going to happen but I couldn't turn down such a handsome offer. "Yeah, if you say so, my lady." My flattery caught her. She undressed and wrapped a white towel around her upper body leaving the brown thighs to my view. Lord. Toto si toto, nimeshinda lotto.

I turned on her Bluetooth device and left my best shower playlist on a medium volume and followed her into her bathroom. The warm water between our bodies felt paradise. Kisses, slow sweet kisses all over her wet body and she was already breathing that needy breath pattern. Hikies and bites on her pebbled nipples that she couldn't help the soft moans that escaped her lips beating my dreams like music that I neither want to press pause nor stop buttons.

"Imma leave baby," I couldn't believe I called her that. "I need to take care of stuff at my place." I retorted. She wasn't buying the idea but I had to force it on her lest I break my promise. I knew I could keep this one. She held my hands and pulled me strong enough to close the small distance between us and now I had her back on the wall and me as close as she desired. She looked straight into my eyes and asked that dangerous question. Why did she think I did love her when I did not really know her that well? Maybe I did, but was that response sincere? Given we had just had mind-blowing sex and she was pretty, the kinda any man would love?

I kissed her and pinned her to the maroon wall she had her back on and excused myself. "I will text you when am home. Bye." That was so close. I was not sure I loved her or I just loved her fellatio skills. I could not say what I wanted or explain what we had meant to me. For her, it was all evident. But I bet she also was confused, the time we spent together was too short for her to think she was in love. She just broke up with her boyfriend. And as confused as she was, I never wanted to be used as a rebound. I am a man of nyadhi -respect.

🤗I hope you guys are enjoying the read, leave comments, and love emojis... I'd appreciate it.😍😍😍

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