Part 4

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Back at my place, the room was messy. I expected that since my roommate didn't have any coitus appointment that weekend and he was a lazy dishwasher. He'd rather sleep on an empty stomach than wash the sufurias from the previous cooking session. All in all I cleaned the kitchenette and all dishes were done. I was not feeling hungry so I prepared some hot coffee and caught up on new episodes of Rick and Morty. All this time I was smiling sheepishly at myself that if anyone was watching me from a distance could think I was turning mad. Power of sex; you only need good sex for the best mood. For a fact.

Text message: ( To Osoro) Hey baby, you did not say you were home safe. Are you done with the chores? I looked at the text and thought over every word of its content. She just called me baby! She definitely was catching feelings. It took me another minute to reply to her text.
Text message: (From Osoro) Hello, I'm so sorry I did not tell you I was home but all is good..done with chores and now catching up on a new series. I miss you already. Xoxo
I lied. I had to play safe if at all I wanted to keep her trust and have her around for some time. We talked over WhatsApp till past midnight. We had real conversations throughout the night.

Sunny Sunday, bright and hot; that was a normal day in Rongai. It was only nine in the morning but you could think God had pushed the sun a bit lower for us. Nice weather to go swimming. I unplug my phone from the socket and am happy to see "fully charged" notification before I could even look at the "you might have new messages from WhatsApp" having restricted display of message contents from such a sensitive app. Sensitive in a manner that I won't let someone read any message pop-ups from WhatsApp, it was a taboo if not an abomination, and if anyone read it by mistake they should under that or face dire consequences. Haha.

A thousand-plus message from forty-five chats mostly being replies to a link I had broadcasted of a poem I had published on I replied all with the thumbs up emoji and now I had only five chats left. One from my beautiful lady and others from the writer WhatsApp groups. Her chat had five messages! I opened the chat and found a long paragraph fitted with more than a hundred emojis expressing love, pleasure, and satisfaction at the same time. I took my time to go through the messages and just as I had predicted, she was in love. She even tried to tell me what I was exactly thinking at the time I was reading her text. "I know I sound crazy right now but to be honest, this is the best I have ever had in my life. I wish you understand." I actually read that text with her voice.

Of course, I understood, I was a certified greatest of all times when it came to representing our community, Kisii, in inter-community matches. Yeah, we call them matches. And as we always say, when you are having sex with someone from a different ethnic, racial or regional background, do your best because you bearing the name of your community, race or, and country. So I always did it to perfection. And thus we uphold the title 'Kisii men are best in bed.' The daughter of Mumbi did not know this, but she confirmed it was true what they say about Kisii men. I was no different. She fell in love with just a night together, with a lad she has only known for three days.

I asked her if she was free that afternoon and she said she was. I suggested we go to the swimming pool and she agreed after I promised to teach her how to swim. How does she not know how to swim at that age surely? Where has she been all her life? I informed the boys club who said they were not missing that given it was too hot and that could be the last Sunday they spend with their campus 'wives' before surrendering them to their countryside boyfriends. I sent them the location and also texted my friend who was a photographer to grace our small goodbye party.

Location ; Maasai lodge
Time ; 1400hrs
Don't forget your student ID

We were all on time and I paid for all of us and we were given the pool pass, a waterproof wristband. We had fun swimming and playing in and with the water. We all had group photos of bare-chested men and wet ladies in bikinis and others in swimming costumes. My lady wore the finest bikini of all, I saw the lust in the boys' eyes whenever she pulled out of the pool to bask on the sun. All eyes were on me when I was applying sunscreen on her fine curvaceous body. I felt like a king. I had made it! I had taught her a few tricks and I must admit she is a quick learner. She could now do a breaststroke on her own although not for a long distance. She too got tired propelling herself to move in the water. At least I had succeeded in two things, earning her trust and showing her off to the boys.

We had a few drinks and nyama choma and were now headed back home before the English Premier League game between Chelsea and Manchester United kicked off. If there was a game I wasn't going to miss was this one. We all dropped off the ladies in their houses and others in their hostels and headed to Sun Breeze to catch the game and have a few drinks. I left my phone on airplane mode as I never wanted any distractions during a serious match like this. I was oblivious of the fact that I needed to call the daughter of Mumbi to tell her I was safe and sound. What was important at that time was this match.

The game ended in a stalemate and for once we were going to have a peaceful night given the rowdy Manchester United fans had no content for any banter against Chelsea fans. Turn off airplane mode. Five messages from Safaricom and two from my mom. What might she be wanting to tell me that she had to call me three times? I called her back and confirmed I was not traveling home for the holidays but promising to visit them during the long holidays. I knew I was lying but I didn't hesitate to make her question my sincerity.

Text message : (received by Osoro) good night baby. Followed by four red heart emojis. I wanted to ignore the text but a voice just told me to try. I did not want to make her feel bad so I just took my phone and texted her back. Text message : (from Osoro) hey baby, sorry for keeping you waiting. I had a better day with you today hun. Looking forward to more like this. Tuck tight love. That was sincere but I didn't have to use such strong pet names. I was not the type to be all over a woman, that is fragile masculinity and that can't be me. I sat on my bed reminiscing the previous night's escapades.

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