Part 8

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I lost count of the number of ladies I had slept with over the years I had lived in Nairobi- courtesy of school, university. I used to brag about having the largest body count in the boy's club and now I regret all that. I had promised not to waste a body count as a young wild campus dude. In the process, I had always hit the hottest girls in Nairobi ranging from social media influencers to video vixens. I was a role model to freshmen. I had appeared a number of times on blogs about campus vibes; most sought after campus dude or even the most crushed on campus dude in Nairobi. When one talked about social media bigwigs, you won't forget to talk about my name. All this was in vain. I had no future, I never thought of a future. I never in a nanosecond thought I'd be a father someday. That I would have to be responsible; that I would have a family to look after and children to raise in a Christlike way.

I sat there, pondered on what I needed to do to take the wheel of my life. I don't know why we never think of our old age when we are young and energetic. The old adage says "Ujana ni Moshi" in Swahili to mean young age fades as fast as smoke does. And by that, I think we should make use of our youth, have fun, do everything that is right by the law both spiritually and morally. We should never forget the holy book also reminds us to enjoy our youth and also insists on the point of judgment that is going to come later in life. I never wanted to regret not spending my youthful days productively. I had done everything every youth saw fun. I have used everything on drugs and alcohol table. I have had the most immoral life. I was one unwise King Solomon, gypsy.

At first, when I saw Ciku hurry home in the late hours of the evening, I saw a girl I could sleep with, have fun with, and then dump. As I was used to. Now the girl I saw with lustful eyes had stepped on a nerve that prompted me to change. I never had the same view of the future since I met her. Oh, I lied since she came back from the countryside. I loved her for more than her beautiful face, bewitching smile, and curvaceous body. I loved her for her clarity of the future, determination, and goal-oriented approach to life. No single woman, apart from my mother, had ever asked me what I thought about my future or over the years. We never signed yearbooks back in high school so the "where will you be in twenty years?" section to look back to. Women are not the same my man. Some women come into your life to reap; get paid to be in relationships, use you for sex, and get free orgasms and gifts. Some women come into your life to build you and show you direction. You just have to choose your women well.

Ciku kissed me goodnight and went to bed as I stayed back to update my reading list. I hadn't read a novel in a while and I guess that was the reason I was still struggling with writer's block for the second week now. You all know how that is dangerous for business. That meant no updates on my ongoing novel and zero poetry pieces for my readers. I felt satisfied with everything that night. The food, Ciku's presence in my life, and now the love I got from my audience for my amazing writing prowess. I had a mug of hot coffee and stared at the dimly lit laptop monitor. Thinking. My mind buzzed with ideas of what I could write thousands of words... I just didn't know where to start. I could write about the turning point; my life after Ciku. Or my ratchet past. I just couldn't settle on one. I fell into a deep daze from which I was taken away from by the daughter of Mumbi who tapped my back to remind me I needed to sleep.

I woke up at twilight and sat on my bed and took my phone. I googled for the contacts of three publishing houses and drafted a message for them. I sent requests to have my works published and inquired about their rates. I hit the send button on my Gmail app and a grin of satisfaction spread across my face. I turned to look at Ciku who slept soundly as a kid. She looked so innocent and lovely. I felt good looking at her pretty face. I watched as she took in-breaths and listened keenly to count her heartbeats. I lowered my head and kissed her forehead. I slid back into my duvet and continued with my nap. It was good.

I woke up at eleven o'clock. Pangs in my belly couldn't let me sleep an extra second. My newfound life-changer was nowhere around her and the smell of pastries could tell she was busy. I slid into my Gucci slides and my grey sweatpants and waded across to the kitchenette to heal my stomach. A good morning wasn't enough for her, she took my mouth and planted a kiss. A kiss that not only showed love and care but also the satisfaction of having me around. A changed man. My perspective of life was now totally different and everyone had noticed that. I was no longer excited at the sight of beautiful half-clothed women, nor was I excited about 'form.' I enjoyed alcohol at the comfort of my small house in which I now had big dreams with the daughter of Mumbi.

We took our brunch and talked about so many things. She talked of a deal she had with her CEO friend who'd promised to hire her immediately she graduated and how laid out her plans were. I was amazed by these best-laid plans for success. She was determined to be a strong independent woman; I haven't said she didn't mean a single woman. I meant a woman who had financial freedom and a supportive husband. I hoped I was the husband in her picture. That she only knew. I had to work my back off too to meet the standards of Ciku's ideal man. I was willing to be a better man for her. She seemed heaven-sent. And who was I to ignore God sent personality into my life? I figured out that had I met her earlier, my life would have been different. I could've used the loads of cash I spent on women and alcohol to the betterment of my life. I could be young and successful. I didn't know that the young lads on the Top 40 Under 40 Successful Personalities thought way different from my way of thinking. And I had fifteen more years to work on my success. Behind every successful man, there's a strong woman. For me, this strong woman was or had to be Ciku. I loved her.

We went for a ride to the SGR station at Rongai and back. It was epic. We met some lads from my school and stopped once or twice to say hi and in as much as some were curious about the woman I had with me, some congratulated me for getting a beautiful and gentle lady for myself. In fact, one said 'bro usiachilie hii Mali, umeangukia Mali safi.' Yeah, I must admit he was right but I know in as much as he had judged right, he wasn't referring to the perfect lass Ciku was but the outside beauty. He had no idea how brilliant the daughter of Mumbi was. Only I had found that out and maybe her exes. I don't think they knew that because no man would ever let go of such beauty with brains. At least not me. I nodded with a smirk on my face and rode off with her. She was happy that evening and I was happy that she was happy.

Mutura O'clock
We stood around our mutura plug at the Maasai Lodge bus stop and munched the sweet insides of I didn't really know if it was cows or goats. What mattered was it was sweet especially with a little kachumbari and pili pili. We are to our satisfaction and drunk two glasses of supu ya kichwa each. Street food was the best thing that happened to the long alleys of Nairobi streets. It was cheap and tasty. The call it mouth-watering or just delicious food ya chuom. We passed by Quick Picks and ordered fast food take away for supper given no one was going to really cook after all that we had had down at the bus stop. We boarded a tuk-tuk, which was the main mode of transport from the bus stop to where we resided. There was a choice to make; taxi, bodaboda, or tuk-tuk. We needed the fun so we went for the tuk-tuk.

We were watching "The Old Guards" on Netflix when I heard a ping on my phone. I stretched out my hand to pick it up but Ciku dared me to. I let it slide. She had her head on my chest as I stroked her temple gently. She must have fallen asleep from the gentle taps that created a rhythm in her head. The smell of sheen on her hair was a turn on. "Baby are you asleep?" I raised her head that she now faced me. "Okay let me take you to bed." I rumbled on. She protested and I insisted. She frowned and then smiled coyly. "Aren't you bored with that immortal's movie? Let me show you something better." I followed her to bed as she blindfolded me. "Surpriiiiiiise!"

My mouth opens in awe and my prick happy, the sight of her naked body only covered by a barely buttoned t-shirt. She beckoned me with her left hand and I was drawn like a magnet to her. She grabbed my tee and kissed me. I was still trying to be aware of what was going on when she whispered into my ears "Can we act our own movie tonight?" I was down for everything. "Anything for you my love" I replied faintly as my breath escaped when I felt her hands in my pants. She went down on one knee and untied my sweatpants. She drew them down and now I was all exposed. She took my member into her mouth and a moan escaped my mouth. She did circles around my shaft and gently stroked my balls. She gave me the pleasure I so desired. My giddy hormones betrayed me. I shook feverishly with need as I felt myself come.

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