Take A look

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Take a look at me, what do you see?
Do you see a depressed fellow or a happy lad?
Do you see a husband or just a boy with balls?
Do you see a son or a useless being?
Tell me what you see

Take one more look, tell me what you see
Behind this smiling face, do you see the tears?
Inside this accomodating heart, do you see darkness?
Behind that big name, do you see a no one?
Tell me what you see

Take a closer look, tell me what you see
When I open my mouth to speak
Tell me you hear the despair in my voice
Tell me you heard my soul cry out for help
Please tell me you heard it

Be keen when you look, don't miss the details
Did you see me struggle to keep on that fake smile?
Did you see me frown when you told me I made it?
Did you see how deep my heart sank?
Tell me what you saw

Take a look, do you see an honest liar?
Did it occur to you that I lied to make you happy?
Come close, look deep into my eyes
Do you see how blurry my vision has become?
Tell me what you see

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