Millie x Gender Neutral! Reader

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(Request from @IMightFUYL !)

People usually have good days. Sometimes they'll have bad days. Unfortunately, today was one of the bad days for Millie Fitzsimmons. When you are pushed around a lot, you usually get thick skin. This was no different for her. She can ignore the name calling and the teasing. But when it gets physical is when it gets serious. Millie was known for her short temper and the students around her used this to their advantage at times. Luckily, Millie did have a partner. Someone that usually calmed her down and made her day better, making her forget all that's happened. Unluckily, they didn't have the same lunch period. Or any classes together after lunch. Hell they didn't even see each other in the halls during passing periods. It's like the school wanted to break them apart after something bad happens and it bugged the hell out of her.

Because of this, they usually met up after school. Whether at Millie's house, which was not the case most often, or at (Y/N)'s house. (Y/N) had a younger brother who talked a lot about some dog, but he didn't bother them. He might tease a little, but it was lighthearted. Nothing like what happens to Millie.

Today, Millie had put her backpack at the table she usually sat at. It just so happens today she forgot her lunch at home so she had to stand in line and get a free one from the cafeteria. Not entirely bad but they didn't always have anything exactly vegetarian friendly. Hopefully she wins the food lottery this time. As she walked out with a salad plate and milk, she noticed that her bag was missing. She put it there, right? Confusingly walking over and putting her tray on the table, maybe it fell? She sat down and looked under the table. Nope, nothing but dirt and dust. She looked all around. Until she saw it. Next to the trash can, empty.

She felt her heart stop, a sense of dread washed over the pit of her stomach as she approached. Nearby, a table of jocks and giggling cheerleaders watched her carefully. Just the group that Millie seemed to attract for trouble.
Millie lifted the lid of the trash can. Inside were all of her possessions. Her math textbook, her English notebook, her French homework. And worst of all, her beloved horror stories she checked out from the library. If that wasn't bad enough, somebody decided to throw away a plate of spaghetti face down which means sauce and noodles were all over everything. Millie felt as if she was going to cry. Or storm over to the table and punch every one of those pricks laughing at her now. She felt her blood boil. Finally, she sighed as she rolled up her sleeves and carefully started pulling things out, one by one as the people at the table behind her snickered and giggled. Time to salvage what she can, miserably.


At the end of the school day, Millie managed to save her books. Her notebooks are stained red from spaghetti sauce but she's more worried about the textbook and library books considering they aren't hers. She racked her mind solemnly as she tried to come up with an excuse she'll tell her teacher and librarian. She was definitely not going to tell anyone what actually happened. They'll involve the counselor, her parents and work to find some anti-bullying thing or whatever. That makes her an even bigger target than she already is. Just the thing she does not need right now. Right now, she needed (Y/N). Already, she felt a little bit of relief as her partner's house came into view. (Y/N) tended to go home earlier. Especially since Millie told her grandpa she can just walk to their house after school and she'd call him when she was ready to go home. As she usually did, she knocked on their door. Their little brother, Greg opened the door with a popsicle clutched in his hand.

"Oh hey Millie. (Y/N) is upstairs."
Millie couldn't help but laugh a little. It was so nice to see a friendly face for once today.
"Yeah, I would assume so."
Greg stepped aside and Millie trudged upstairs, sighing as she thought about her bad day. Should she even tell (Y/N)? Hopefully they don't do anything drastic. Last time Millie told them she was being bullied, they decided to take Troy's backpack, the guy who was bullying her, and decided to single-handedly run a permanent marker all over the pages of his homework the day it was due before his class. She'll admit, she found it funny. Maybe what happened to her was payback for that day. If that's the case, she's glad she got the punishment instead of (Y/N). Least she hoped.

Millie knocked on (Y/N)'s door, and thankfully nobody else but answered. (Y/N) smile upon seeing their partner and Millie couldn't help but do the same.
"Hey Millie! How was your day?"
As (Y/N) gave a hug to Millie, all the memories of what happened that day came rushing back to her and she groaned.
"...Honestly? My day sucked."
(Y/N) pulled back and looked at their partner.
"What? How come?"
Millie breezed past with a sigh, her backpack slipping from her shoulder with a thump. Finally, the strain from that was gone, but not from her mind. She flopped onto (Y/N)'s bed.
"Some jerks took my backpack and dumped all my books into the trash and then somebody threw a plate of spaghetti on top of all of it."
(Y/N) sat next to her, looking at Millie sincerely.
"...You serious? What happened?"
Millie shrugged, looking at her partner with a miserable expression on her face.
"Tried to clean off as much as I could with a napkin and without tearing any pages. Luckily I got most of everything off. Only problem is most of my library books and my algebra textbook is stained. I don't know what I'm gonna say."

(Y/N) shook her head.
"Tell you what, I'll go with you during lunch tomorrow to explain to Ms. Osbourne and the librarian."
"Nah, don't. Just causes unwanted drama. I'll just say I accidentally got it on the books while I was studying or reading."
(Y/N) sighed.
"Are you sure?"
"In that case, want a bit of a cuddle session to help ya feel better?"
Millie could feel herself smile a bit as (Y/N) laid down and wrapped their arms around her. They laid there like that, Millie snuggled into (Y/N)'s chest and sighing happily. She almost hated to admit it, but this did make her feel a bit better. That is, until a phone camera shutter was heard. Millie and (Y/N) both looked up in unison as Greg had his phone up, covering his mouth to keep from laughing.

(Y/N) grabbed a pillow and jumped off the bed, sprinting after their little brother.
Millie started laughing and ran after them out of the room. It felt pretty good to let her troubles go, even for just a moment.

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