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After getting home from school, I was finishing the sketch I had of Millie in my bedroom while I put on my tv, Jessie Vee's Twisted Nostalgia series. It's where I got most of my toy collection ideas. I like to collect dolls and stuffed animals. My shelf of collections of things held many dolls. There were stuffed animals all over my bed. I had those glow in the dark stars decorated on my ceiling. At some point, I'd like to get some white lights in here. I don't know why, I just have an interest in little kid things I guess. And creepy things. So if you combine those two together, I'm all for it. It's why I liked Invader Zim and Courage the Cowardly Dog so much despite it scarring me when I was younger. Return the slaaab. I wondered what Millie was doing at this hour. Was she reading? Doing homework? Was she listening to music or writing poems?

After finishing dinner and my homework, my eyelids felt very heavy as I just scrolled through a few things on my tablet. I had been thinking about Millie all day, as usual. Though today, I really thought of a gift I could get her for Christmas for how fast it was approaching. I know she likes Curt Carrion and Edgar Allen Poe's stories. Oh how I wanted to spoil her but my mind drifted back to the fact that I only had about 20 dollars. Maybe if I do a few extra chores around the house for some more money, I could get something nice for her. Nonetheless, I put my tablet down on my bedside table and yawned, pulling my blanket over myself. I loved sleeping. And I loved dreaming. I dreamed about Millie.

If there was anything I was proud of on my body, it was my hair. My hair was a bit of a strange type due to my dad's genetics clashing with my mom, it's made this weird fluffy dark brown type. I was proud of it because I tamed it and was growing it out. Shiny, healthy scalp, long hair shaft and trimmed ends. I want to grow my hair out to the floor. I guess it's some kind of coping mechanism. Whenever I get lonely or stressed, I pamper myself. Showers with all kinds of lotions and moisturizers after. I wondered what Millie's coping mechanism was. Was it getting lost in books? Writing her thoughts out? I take real care for my hair. Often times, I leave it down just because putting it up all the time can damage it. However, I was often thinking of ways to get Millie to notice me as well. At least, just to stand out from the crowd a little bit to her. Maybe some day.

After contemplating my appearance for a while, I just shrugs and put in a few tiny braids, held with little beads. That was kind of interesting. I like it. It was something different. A bit pirate like but you know what, I like pirates. I shrugged again, heading into the kitchen to get a few things to go of to school. The car rides to school to me felt nice. I was going somewhere I liked to go to. I looked forward to. You should know why by now. I spent more time thinking about how to get more money and what to get Millie. It's hard to know what she has already though. Maybe if I could just find out some way. Or just man up and ask her myself for once. Maybe I will do that. I was feeling confident today. How hard could it be?

Turns out, it's hard.

During lunch, I was kind of surprised to see another person sitting with Millie. Someone I hadn't seen before. Was he new? Why was he talking to her? He had glasses, red hair, and a leather jacket on. Why was he sitting with her? I scooted just a tad closer to hear what they were talking about. Imaginary friends?
I can't describe this feeling this guy gave me. He gave me bad vibes. He was ruining my zen. And my plans. Just so happens that I had the guts and was prepared and going to sit down at Millie's table, and he shows up.
Dylan? His name is Dylan? This conversation they had was about some horror writers. Which I found out Millie has never read Lovecraft. So maybe I could get her a book then! Oh, now they're talking about jewelry. The memorial jewelry that Millie wore. She has a favorite? Jewelry made from the hair of a dead person? I need to write that down-

Then this thought was blinded by the jealousy and anger I was not prepared to feel. Who was this guy? Did Millie like him? Are they going to be friends? What if...

No, don't think of that. You still have a chance (Y/N). Don't think of him. They'll just be friends, that's it.

My mind started cluttering itself with horrible thoughts. I tried not to think about them, but it was hard. I wasn't even listening to their conversation anymore. It hadn't even occurred to me that I actually put my head on the table and started grasping my hair.

What if they get together?
No, they won't.
Why should I feel so bad about this guy? What if he will only be just a friend?
That's fine.
And if not?
Not like Millie will like him.
But... what if she does?

I looked up, starting to feel the threat of tears coming down. I tried to hold it in so nobody would come over and ask what's wrong.

What if she does like him?

I sucked in a deep breath and dabbed at my eyes with the sleeve of my oversized gray sweater I wore today that I loved to pieces.

..If Millie does like him, then he'll be making her happy.
And I like when she's happy. I want her to be happy.

I sighed.

Then who am I to stop that?

Don't give up hope, (Y/N), you still have a chance.

After a severe mood swing and a session of bad thoughts swarming my head, I wasn't feeling so good. I gazed at the mood ring on my hand. Amber. The color of nervousness and unhappiness. Great. I sighed deciding to head to the bathroom after lunch just before class started. To maybe just wash my hands and try to feel better. It only got worse as I stepped in and noticed Millie just walking out of a stall to wash her hands. I could feel my heart drop to my feet and my throat closing up just a tad bit. Should I let this chance go to waste?

No, I won't.

Sucking up all my sadness, I walked over to the sink next to hers, taking off my mood ring and slipping it into my pocket before starting to wash my hands as well. I kept trying to discreetly glance at her to search for something to compliment her about. I could compliment her about anything. I could compliment her about everything. But now that I'm ready to do so, my mind is empty and my heart is pounding. Was it obvious how nervous I was? I certainly hope not. Then it came to me now that I'm actually gazing at her closer.


Millie seemed a bit aloof at first before noticing me next to her with a slight surprise.


I gave her my best smile without bursting into tears or squealing.

"I like your eyeliner. It looks nice today. Little cat wing."

Millie's comfortable frown seemed to soften a little as she looked at me and my heart just about leaped.

"...Thanks. I like your braids."

I blinked a bit, as I could feel my face heating up and a stupid smile spread across my face. I looked away as she was done and left the bathroom. I bit my lip to keep from screaming and I nearly fell over, feeling my legs turn into jelly. I grabbed my mood ring out of my pocket after drying my hands and slipped it back on, before noticing the color. A deep blue. The color of romance and charged emotions.

I do have a chance after all.

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