All mine

398 8 13

Feeling absolutely giddy from the night before, I rushed out of bed the minute my alarm clock went off. Millie was my friend! She was finally my friend! This was the greatest day of my life. She said she'd see me tomorrow! Which means she looks forward to it! Uhh, what should I do? Should I try to look nicer? No no, she'll probably think something is up.. I'll just try to dress as normal as possible. I don't want to scare the poor girl away now that I can finally talk to her. Quickly putting on some comfortable but heavy clothes seeing as it is the colder season, I went to the bathroom to tame my hair and put on some Christmas-y lotion. Putting in the small braids has practically become a habit now as I put in a few. Held by beads as always. I was fairly early today, probably from the excitement that I'll see Millie soon. Even my mom took notice as I practically skipped into the kitchen for a banana.

She sat at the table drinking coffee and looked up from her crossword puzzle book.

"You seem less tired today."

Through mouthfuls of banana, I tried to explain to my mom what happened last night before she gave me a concerned look.

"Jesus, just chew and then talk (Y/N)."

I giggled uncontrollably and swallowed.

"Okay okay, I gave that pendant to Millie, she loved it. And we ended up talking the entire night and I'm gonna see her at school today."

My mom smiled. "It's good to see you finally make some friends."

"..Yeah, especially Millie."


At school, I could barely contain myself as I excitedly tried to zoom through the first three periods into lunch. The two periods I have with Millie are after lunch, so I'll definitely see her then. Once lunchtime came around, I was definitely starting to feel nervous. But I didn't know why. My mind usually had an explanation, but it was completely blank. Is this what it's like to... I don't even know. I hadn't even known that I was practically stumbling in the hallway. After making it to the cafeteria and getting my tray, I looked around. Should I sit with Millie today? Would it be weird? What if I just sit at my usual table? Those thoughts immediately melted away as soon as I saw her waving me over. She looked beautiful today. Then again, she looked beautiful everyday. She was wearing the beautiful pendant today. It's clear she had taken care of her outfit today, considering she matched and was gorgeous. And... she was smiling. Millie was smiling.. as she was waving to me to sit with her. She was waving for me. That's it, I'm dead. I'm dead, she's absolutely perfect and I'm dead. I managed a smile and walked over to her table, sitting down. My god this is actually happening. I'm actually sitting at my crush's table. I'm sitting with the Millie Fitzsimmons. My heart is gonna explode. I wondered if I looked mental to her. But she just smiled warmly at me, setting her book down.


I tried not to sound like I felt. Meaning; nervous.

"....Hey wassup."

Fucking idiot.

Wait no she smiled, it's okay you are not idiot.

Why am I so nervous? We literally talked all night last night. It shouldn't be this nerve-wracking, we've talked. We're friends. Bro wait, we're... friends.

Man does that thought still baffle me.

"You like the necklace?" I said, like an idiot.
Millie looked down, starting to play withe pendant a bit. At that moment, I had noticed the pretty jet earrings she had paired with it as well dangling under her hair. I'm dying, I'm she is perfect.
"Yeah, of course I do... it's my favorite jewelry piece now."

Millie Fitzsimmons x Reader shiteWhere stories live. Discover now