A slow blooming rose

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It was Saturday morning and I started doing my chores early after doing my self care routine. It was often times like this I would think about Millie and I would draw things that reminded me of her. I liked drawing. A lot of the other kids around me complimented my art when they saw it. I used to take art class but didn't sign up for it anymore after seeing how it sort of drained me of my creativity and my joy to draw. Never do something that starts to deplete your love for what you enjoy. I love swimming and I tried out for the swim team once at the start of the year. There were numerous reasons why I couldn't come through with it, but one of them was that. Just a week of practices and I was dreading swimming. But I love swimming. And I loved Millie. That's why I was doing chores for her. After a while, the house was completely spotless once everybody else woke up. I was exhausted, laying on my bed now but I will get the money to buy Millie's gift. Speaking of, I wonder what she's doing right now. It was about brunch time. Then my mom came in, seemingly ready to go somewhere and gave me my well earned $60.

"Whoever this is, they're pretty special huh?"
I smiled before realizing something.
"Actually mom, it's from online. I need to order this online. It's about $75, and I can give you my 20 dollars. Can I borrow your card?"
She raised her eyebrow at me. "Yeah, here."
She fiddled with her wallet for a moment before handing me her card.
"What is it you're getting this person?"
I went over to my laptop, opening up my browser to the eBay page.
"Well... something special. She likes Victorian mourning jewelry but she said she could never afford her favorite kind."
"Hm.. what's her name?"
"Millie. Or Millicent."
"Are you sure she's not from the Victorian era?"
My mom let out a chuckle.
"I need that card back though. Your dad and I are running a few errands."
"Yeah, no problem. I got it."

I quickly added the pendant to my cart, my cheeks starting to hurt from how much I was smiling. I quickly put in my shipping information. It should be here in 2 days, that's not bad! Maybe I could give it to Millie before winter break. Then my mind wondered to another event. Our school is having a holiday bazaar before break starts. I was planning to go because of free food but, will Millie be there?
After I ordered the pendant with giddy joy, I handed the card and my twenty dollars to my mom and she waved me goodbye, leaving me in my room.
I leaped onto my bed and started giggling and squealing into my pillow. All of my hard work had paid off! Now I could get Millie a gift, something she liked! Then a thought occurred to me. What about Dylan? Was he going to get her a gift? What if he and Millie go to the holiday bazaar together?
I was too happy currently to let those thoughts get to me. So what! I'm getting Millie something she likes and wants! From there our friendship could definitely lift itself off it's feet! I sighed happily, slipping into a daydream about Millie. Now the worst part. Waiting.

It turned out to be a calm Saturday that I was happy with. I hoped Millie was happy too. She seems so much more positive lately, it made my heart soar. Even if it was because of Dylan, I'm so glad she's so much happier. Once afternoon rolled around, I decided to go to the park near my house. It was only a five minute walk and all I really did was play on the swings and roller skate on the concrete. Taking my roller skates over my shoulder and my phone, I started walking to the park. Little did I know I would run into a certain special someone. As I'm walking, her voice started drifting me from my thoughts. I hadn't even noticed her at first but she was behind me and I stopped and turned.
And she looked at me. Millie did. She caught my attention. She wanted my attention.

"Hey." She said.
I could feel my heart start pounding and the butterflies in my stomach flutter.
She seemed a bit more positive as she was dressed nicely, as always. But her eyes seemed so much more lively. Her attitude was even less down. I could barely contain my excitement but I smiled.
"You're (Y/N), right?"
I nodded a bit too enthusiastically.
"Yup. That's me. Hi Millie."
A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips and I just about died.
"...I just wanted to say thank you for not picking on me or calling me Dracula's Daughter... or Silly Millie."
She grimaced a bit and I shook my head, waving it off.
"Oh it's nothing. You don't need to thank me for that. I'm just being a decent human being.. unlike those guys. They belong on a cactus."
Millie looked at me, a bit puzzled and I had to bite back a laugh.
"They're pricks."
Me and her actually started snickering together. I can't describe the feeling I had. Her laugh was so pleasant and she was smiling. I nearly doubled over. Her face turned a bit red from it.
Once we slowed down into small giggles, she sort of stayed silent, still kind of smiling. I died.
"Well, I'm going to the library downtown."
I nodded.
"I noticed you like reading. You ever read The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?"
"I've heard of the story but I never actually read the original."
"Oh it's great. It's a bit boring in the beginning and a little hard to read but if you go to the library, a copy should be there. The ending is awesome."
She nodded, taking a strand of hair behind her ear, allowing me to see her jet earrings. It reminded me of the pendant and another thought occurred to me.

I cleared my throat, starting to realize how this might sound.
"I um... I was wondering if you're gonna go to that holiday bazaar next week.."
Millie had a slight look of contemplation, and a bit of disgust before shrugging.
"I wasn't really planning to go. Kinda seemed.. I don't know, too cheery for my tastes."
I nod. "I can understand that. I don't like being around a lot of people either. I'm really only going for free food. But if you'll be there... I mean, you can always look for me."
Millie raised her eyebrow at me, suspiciously. "Why do you ask me?"
My heart just about stopped and I could feel my head hang a little.
"Well I.. I think you're a cool person but I never got the chance to talk to you. So I mean.. if you'll go, on your own choice of course, maybe we could hang out there?"
Millie was silent for a moment before seemingly fighting off a smile.
"Sure. I'll think about it."
My legs just about gave out then and I smiled and nodded.
"Great! Now don't let me get in the way of your dark literature adventure."

I scooted out of the way and she laughed and waved me bye before starting to walk again.
I felt ecstatic. I can't even describe it... what happened. But my heart was pounding and I could feel my legs again as I began running and dancing into the park. I hadn't even noticed my mood ring. It glowed a bright green slowly turning purple. The colors of passionate happiness and excitement.

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