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It was only one day before the holiday bazaar and two days before winter break. I had woken up this Monday morning, feeling my heart flutter. Millie's pendant should be here! I leaped out of bed and went to check the mail outside. Just the day before I had gone to the store to get a small black, glittery gift box for this necklace topped with a little bow. Something special like this deserved to be packaged with style. To my happiness, the pendant was here! I had taken it out of the mailbox and clutched to my chest, spinning around outside before quickly heading in to package it. I had already written it to Millie, from (Y/N). Normally, I would have kept it anonymous but not today. I wanted her to know that I cared for her. Once and for all. Gotta square up. I carefully took the pendant out of it's mail packaging. It truly was a masterpiece. The work was so worth it for Millie. It was beautiful and matched her perfectly. I smiled, placing it in the box with some velvet cushioning around it I had taken from one of my dad's watch boxes. He won't miss it. Placing the top on, I sighed happily. Now my only problem was, when am I going to give it to her? Ideally, I'd love to give it to her at the bazaar, but who knows if she'll be there. Then I thought I could mail it to her for Christmas, but that wouldn't work either. It might get lost or damaged that way. I'm not taking that risk.

I was pulled from my thoughts before I realized, I need to get ready for school. I spent more time putting together Millie's gift instead of putting together myself. Whoops. Gotta hurry! I quickly rushed on a few clothes before making my way to the bathroom and quickly getting ready. I contemplated on giving it to her today, or tomorrow. Or should I just take the risk and try to give it to her at the bazaar? Time was usually with me, but not today. I needed to go to school. I could hear my mom honking from outside. I'll have to contemplate later.


Today was Tuesday. The holiday bazaar was tonight. I was freaking out even though it was still hours away. Yesterday wasn't very eventful. Just a normal day of school and thinking of Millie and getting jealous of Dylan. As it is the norm now. I was wide awake before my alarm clock laying in bed, staring at my ceiling. I could just hear my heart pounding with excitement. I needed to get up and get ready though. First I trudged to the bathroom a bit groggily and cleaned my face with a face wash. After that, I did a mask on my face and a nourishing mask for my hair while I put on a body butter and drank some water. After washing the masks off and moisturizing my face, as well as conditioning my hair to be silky smooth, I was pleased with the results. My skin was dewy soft and my hair was healthy. It was time to get dressed. I had debated on my outfit the night before since the bazaar was tonight. I'll just wear to the bazaar what I'll wear to school. I left the bathroom, getting out the outfit I had planned once back in my room. I had no ugly Christmas sweater or nothing too festive. I put on high-waist jeans, a moss green long sleeve shirt, my knitted black pancho, and my pretty bloodstone pendant over that. Oh well, it was the chilly season. It'll do. I put it in a few tiny braids in my hair, decorated with green and red wooden beads again. I was putting perfume on, my emotions fluttering as I thought back to Millie. I really hope she'll be there at that holiday bazaar tonight. I know she doesn't like school events much, but maybe just this once. After getting ready, I carefully placed Millie's gift in my bag. It'll be safe and I hope she'll like it. Off to school I go!

The day so far was pleasant along with the chilly, grim weather. I loved weather like this. My favorite was stormy and rainy. I wondered if Millie liked rain. I had been walking to the cafeteria. Though I felt confident at the start of the day, my giddy excitement and nervousness was back. A swarm of questions came through my head as I thought back to the special gift. Should I give it to Millie now? Will I even have the guts to? What if Dylan asks about it? Will Millie be weirded out? Should I ask her if she'll be at the bazaar?

As always, I chickened out and watched as Millie and Dylan talked to each other. I decided to distract myself by just playing with my kaleidoscope and doodling small things in my notebook. I hadn't learned too many things about Millie. Dylan talked more than she did. I did learn that she apparently wanted to be a librarian. I had written that down right after. Then a realization had come to me that she was thinking of the future. She wasn't thinking of death anymore. This means she was happy, and that was all I had ever wanted for her. I could feel my throat close up as I had been wanting her to be happy. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on Dylan, he did change her life. I sighed happily as I gazed across the table at her.
Right then, I nearly had a heart attack as her happy eyes suddenly darted to mine and I quickly looked away. I could feel my face heat up. But I slowly glanced back up and saw her slightly wave at me with a smile. I just about died. I shyly smiled and waved quickly back. My heart was pounding and I could feel my hands start to sweat a little. I looked at my mood ring, feeling absolutely giddy. Green. The color of happiness.

After school, I practically rushed back into the house. Did I still look okay? Will Millie be there? So many thoughts. I took a deep breath and decided to try and calm myself down by doing some homework. Until I realized I had no homework. I had walked into the living room, gazing at the Christmas tree. The lights were very nice. I sat in front of it for a while, thinking about Millie. What dating her would be like. How happy she could be. How happy she was. It would be perfect. I sighed happily and decided to watch a Christmas movie. I decided not to eat, figuring I'd eat at the bazaar in maybe an hour. So I watched the film, thinking about Millie calmly.

About an hour gone by and my insides started fluttering for sure as I shut off the movie. I quickly freshened up in the mirror, brushing my hair and fixing my braids. I shouted from the bathroom.
"Hey mom?"
"Yeah babe?"
"It's about time to go to the bazaar!"
There was a bit of a pause. "Alright, let me get the car started."
I squealed a little as I rushed back to my room to get my back. Quickly checking to see if I had Millie's gift, turning my phone off of silent. I was ready. I could hear my mom starting the car outside and I jumped a little.
I hoped Millie was there. I quickly went outside to join my mom in the car. We listened to Christmas music as we drove to the school. I could barely contain myself. Millie, I'll be there.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I just wanna ask how you're liking this little series so far! Is it alright? Are there any mistakes? I take constructive criticism. Thank you so much for the support! Next chapter will be quite eventful~♥

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