chapter three

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Bold italics- speaking in sokovia




IT was a few days after the trio volunteered for the experiment. Stiles, wanda and pietro kept repeating starks name in their minds and each time they say or even thought his name it sparked a new hatred for the man that robbed them of their families.

The trio trained physically and mentally well wanda and stiles trained mentally and pietro trained physically for days on end. They received punishments if they havent done what they have told. Pietro recieved multiple because he took the fall for both stiles and wanda.

Stiles and wanda felt terrible and didnt wish anymore harm to befall onto Pietro. So they made sure to correct their mistakes and train and push themselves mentally and physically...more so mentally. For days had turned into months and the more they trained the stronger they got...and the more hatred they have for was burning like a great giant forest fire. Untamable and destructive.

For 3 years this happened constantly the training, the slop that the trio had to eat. The cell blocks they had to go into stiles had to share with wanda because there was no other left. All those years the trio endured those hardships for the sake of revenge and they want it on a silver platter, but for now patience is virtue.

It was noon when wanda and stiles heard pietros door open and Pietro's voice go by their door. Frowning in synch they looked at eachother then at the door. They held their breath as pained scream rang out making stiles slightly quiver in fear and wanda letting a few tears roll down her face.

It was minutes later when they heard pietros door open and close again both pressed their ears against the cold wall. Stiles and wanda both calmed down when they heard pietros not so quiet snoring. Minutes later their door opened and they both looked at eachother wondering why where they at their door.

"Mieczysław stilinski come with us now" one of the guards demanded. Wanda looked terrified for her childhood friend who she sees like a brother. Stiles stilinski nodded and went with them. They kept walking and as they walked stiles saw the dead bodied blood and all. It made him shudder in disgust.

  The man who demanded him to follow lead him to a door which was weird to stiles, but none the less he waited patiently until the door opened. He was nudged forward and when that happened the door behind stiles shut startling him for a moment. He stood their confused at to what was going on until he heard a buzz.

  " step foward Mieczysław stilinski" the voice says and stiles finds it hard to not move foward since that voice was filled with rage. He walked until he spots what looked like a stick with a weird glowing thing at the tip on the floor...then five seconds have passed the stick on the floor had risen. The glowing thing from the stick separated from it and was in front of stiles.

Stiles felt instantaneously drawn to it like as if it was calling to him drawing him towards it beckoning for him to reach out and touch it...which he did. The second he reached it the the glowing rock bursted yellow surrounds the thing and the last thing stiles sees would be burnt into his mind forever.

  Back where wanda was packing back and forth and pietro was starting to wake. She was nervous about stiles. Wondering on what happened to him. If he is dead... she wouldnt know what to do she can't lose the second person she cares about she cant...she wont accept that one. She wanted stiles to survive so that she can have a piece of sanity left.

  Wanda stopped pacing when she heard the door open and she sees stiles in the guards arms. Wanda sighs in relief and cursed at stiles silently for making her worry so much. The guards setted Stiles down on his bed gently knowing wanda would blow a fused if he's hurt..not only that pietro would find someway to get to them and the guards aren't going to find out what would happened if pietro maximoff got his hands on them.

  Wanda knew from the second they stepped away from stiles inaudible snoring form. That she was next for whatever experiment that they put pietro and stiles through. The last thing before she leaves was a silver whisp coming from stiles's left hand.

  It was early in the morning when stiles woke up stretching only to have met with block like two fist full of them wanda looked like she just got up wiping the sleep from her eyes as she looked at stiles looking at the blocks. Stiles didnt know what to do so he held his hand up and something came out of it...silver whisps  dancing on his medium length fingers. He saw wanda imitating him only to find what looked like red whisps coming from her hand. They both looked at eachother and smiled.

  They got powers and they where positively giddy about them. They couldn't wait to test them out. So with that they concentrated see if they could do other things then making some colors come from their hands. Stiles and wanda focused on the blocks that where setted in the room. They each held out a hand and the blocks got surrounded by silver and red hue then they where hovering towards them then fell because stiles and wanda felt exaughsted for using their powers for the first time ever.

  Pietro on the other hand was having a little difficulty controlling his since he was runing in his cell in a blue of motion. All three of them thought this was the moment in time to remember. They have been giving power to stand up for their beloved country, and to avenge their families and friends. Pietro, stiles and wanda promised to themselves that hey will master their powers with  ease and when the time comes decimate tony stark and anyone who gets in their way.

So I had to think really hard for this to work adding stiles to age of ultron is a little tedious but it's most definitely worth it. So just in case you are wondering they received their powers at age sixteen instead of whatever age they received it from. They'll train until 18 so they will have a natural feel towards their powers and that's when the true age of ultron begins and yes wanda and stiles will fuck it up and be beasts that they will become to be.

So anyway thanks for reading and until then spread the love 💖💝🥰

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