chapter six

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Bold italics- speaking in sokovia




The trio along with ultron arrived to the place of unfamiliarity...well at least towards pietro, wanda and stiles. They have no clue where they at, but ultron does at least. Stiles was the only one that didnt pay attention to what ultron was doing or saying because he wasnt that important in his life. Pietro and wanda was the only people he had left.

Wanda being the younger sister he never had. Their infinite love for sitcoms could rival any drama show, and Pietro stiles could explain in alot of ways on how he felt about the speedster and it wouldn't be enough to explain. The way his heart beats irregularly when ever pietro comes remotely close to him, flirts with him, or even hugs him. It also doesnt help the smell of aftershave.

He would often blush when he thinks about him. Stiles figured that he had more then a crush on pietro..but he doesnt think he could Express those feelings to him. He didnt want to reveal them then get his heart broken by the man he loves...he'd be devastated.

He was soo delved into thought the scream of the man that was supposed to supply the metal to them had his arm torn off by made him jump slightly glaring at the man.

"Keep your screams down to a minimum or I'll decide to tear out your larynx" stiles threatened having his daydreaming about Pietro interrupted. The man nodded scared while ultron found it amusing that he'd be scared of a 18 year old, but he must admit the power on wanda and stiles are something to behold like they are something more and he has a suspicion that the power they are displaying was just the tip of the iceberg, a drop in a ocean and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious, but alas he turned to the man that dared compare himself to the likes of stark.

"I'm sorry.... I dont know what came over me....its just dont compare me to him. Stark. He's like a sickness" he protested...stiles, wanda and pietro agreed that stark was a sickness that needs to be purged from this world and the next.

" Aww, junior, you're going to break your old man's heart" iron man makes a entrance through the open part of the wall. Stiles scoffed.

"Only if I must " ultron commented out if boredom. Stiles setted one hand on his hip while checking his other hand for no reason at all...because of pure bordom. Pietro snickered a little before looking at stark.

" just like old times isnt it stark" pietro snarked. Stiles glared at the metal clad man. Stiles really hates that man, he's the reason that all three of them have no family left besides eachother well wanda and stiles were like family, but its hard to tell where pietro and stiles stands.

"I don't do that anymore" stark says with conviction. Stiles scoffed and wanda rolled her eyes. Both of them finding it hard to believe. 

"Sometimes the path you go on doesn't require breaking things" Jamie says and stiles wont admit it but he has a pretty awesome outfit and now he could see him clearly. He has this aura about him that made him somewhat interesting.

"Then you clearly havent heard of a omlet" Ultron was clearly not impressed by the robots tone.

  "Its not too late for you three to turn back" the spangled man spoke trying to reason with the three enhanced. Wanda and stiles smirked.

"Oh we will" wanda commented with sass in her tone clearly not taking his advice.

"Once we have what we came for" stiles said while placing an arm on Wanda's shoulder while clearly intrested in his nails. The black widow glaring at the obvious man who is not interested in the conversation.

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