chapter eight

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Bold italics- speaking in sokovia




the other Avengers figured out Ultron's plot to become an android and had headed to Seoul to stop him. Ultron had been trying to sneak away with the Cradle in a truck but Steve had stopped him and the two engaged in combat. Natasha focused on getting the Cradle to Stark and was busy trying to find her way into the truck while dodging Ultron and his robot's blasts.

Clint flew the Quinjet near the fight and assisted Natasha and Steve by firing at Ultron. Ultron sent his robots after Clint. Ultron flew at Steve. The two tackled each other head on and the pair crashed into a moving subway train. This gave Natasha the opportunity she needed to get into the truck.

"Cap, can you keep him occupied?" Natasha asked as she jumped into the truck. Steve who was currently blasted back by Ultron lasers panted and said sarcastically "What do you think I've been doing?". He got up to engage Ultron again.

Jamie flew in and helped distract Ultron with captain America in Hope natasha gets the job done so ultron succeed in his plans.


Pietro set Wanda and Stiles down. Stiles was starting to regain consciousness and heal the gash on his head from where ultron kicked him .

"Are you all right Stiles?" Pietro asked. "I'm fine, I'm better than fine" Stiles said remembering the night's previous events and smiling. "Why?" Wanda asked eyeing the head wound and wondering if it had done any damage to her my mind. " I saw what he was about to do and its not going to be pretty. Unless we stop what we did we will die knowing that we helped him achieve his goal" stiles said. Both wanda and Pietro nodded.

"Alright let's go and stop ultron. That's what our families would have wanted us to do" he added with a determined look. As Pietro grabbed both of them by the waist and speed off to stop the psychotic robot.

Back where the action is

Natasha was trying desperately to shut down the Cradle but was nearly thrown out of the truck when the two Ultron robots that had been chasing Clint, returned and lifted the truck trailer into the air. Meanwhile Ultron had Steve pinned down and jamie breathing heavily grabbing his side, until a blur of blue and white knocked him away from Steve.

Pietro skidded to a halt at the end of the carriage. Ultron made to go after him but the overhead railings became covered in red energy, detached from overhead and came in front of Ultron blocking his path. Ultron and Captain both looked at the twins. "Please don't do this" Ultron pleaded to Wanda. "What choice do we have" Wanda growled at Ultron.

Ultron raised his lasers and fired them at Pietro. Pietro was about to dodged the lasers but stiles came just in time to block it. He looked at ultron. " you mess with him you mess with me" stiles growled at him shooting him with with a dark silver hex. But he dodged it and shot a laser at stiles, but he managed to rollaway by the time stiles looked back he was gone into the air.

"YOU ROBOTIC COWARD!!" Stiles shouted  then sighed. Stiles looked back and Wanda was trying to stop the train from going off the trails. Stiles got in front of it and he helped Wanda ease the train to a stop. Wanda and stiles where breathlessly panting from over use of their abilities. "Are you two OK" Pietro asked with concern. Both of us nodded and said we just need rest. "I'm very tempted not to give you one" Steve said approaching the trio.

"Ditto" jamie says while cracking his knuckles glaring heavily at stiles for putting him under the nightmarish conditions that he had to face.

 " oh I'm flattered, really I am but there's one problem...brunettes are kind of my thing" pietro said while he smirked. Jamie looked puzzled at first but he looked at stiles and pieced it together and nodded.

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