chapter four

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Bold italics- speaking in sokovia




  Two years it was the time that the trio understood their power. Stiles and wanda can now move things with their power easily and not only that wanda and stiles can disorient and make people see things... stiles apart from wanda can heal shallow wounds, but he never could do the deeper fatal wounds. 

  Pietro not only can run fast but according to the people that they are with...that they discovered where hydra....his thought process can go the same speed as he can so he can study multiple languages and understand them and speak them fluently.

   Pietro's crush on his childhood friend stiles didnt go away like he planned it would in fact it intensified. So he did the only thing he planned. Shove it down until the stark problem was gone and he could properly deal with then...with stiles... under the sheets, but he can wait for a little while longer.

Wanda and stiles where practicing their powers while pietro punched a dummy near by with velocity punches that only a speedster like hin could deliver. It was quarter to noon when they stopped their trained when a blaring alarm told the sign of intruders at the base. Wanda and stiles slammed their block together creating a silver and red flash of light.

  Pietro stopped speeding around his room curious as to whom would pay the base a surprise visit. The trio were anxious as to what's going on when the doors to their cells opened. Pietro, stiles and wanda stepped out of the cells they are in and into a open area when a mans voice sounded through the entire base.

  "Avengers are attacking the base..battle stations now" the man screamed before he was snuffed out no doubt killed. The trio turned towards eachother hate and eagerness shown in their eyes.

  "Stark is here now...good now we can finally avenge our fallen families"  stiles says while his hands where encased with silver whisp like energy his eyes bleeding silver. Wanda nodded while setting her hand on Stiles's shoulder calming him. Pietro grabbed his hand and rubbed the palm of his hand instantly calming stiles.

  It was a thing pietro knows that can calm stiles down instantly. Many things Pietro knows about stiles other then his love for sitcoms like his sister. Stiles and wanda had a best friend that was pratically their sister...her name was....lydia martin. Like learning how to cook from their mothers to sitcoms. But enough about that for now.

"Pietro go to the forest and delay the while stiles stays inside in the shadows with me just in case someone comes in with stark" wanda orders as Stiles was already walking into the shadows. Pietro nodded not before sending a quick wink towards stiles and speed out of the base and onto the woods. Now if pietro where to have stayed a little longer he would have seen stiles face erupted in a blush before being completely engulfed in the shadow.

  Wanda smirked before she too went into the shadow completely. It was seconds before iron man and a man that they never seen before into view.

  "Brother we have found loki's staff. Stark go get it and I'll stand on guard near the door" the man with a weird armor set says while glaring at stark to do as he says. Stark walked to the staff the got out of his armor. Which Stiles and wanda smirked at his very huge mistake.

  Wanda nodded towards the man and stiles  smiled viciously as he crept towards the man who's attention was on the outside..stiles almost let out a chuckle as he let silver whisps come from his hand. When the man turned to defend himself it was to late. Stiles moved towards the mans side and letted his power seep into the mans mind as his eyes briefly flashed silver. When the man came to stiles was gone.

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