Home life

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     The team walk in the mountain covered in mud. It had been a hard mission a Kaldur had gone a little overboard shocking clay face.

     "What happen to you?" Pietro asked leaning over the corner eating an apple.

     "Clayface" Lorna grunted pulling mud out of her hair.

     "So how were things here bench warmer" Wally said cleaning off his suit off

     "I need to talk to Aqualad" Batman interrupted "The rest of you hit the showers and head home"

    "I am home" Superboy raised his arms, gesturing to the Cave.

     "Let it go sups" Robin said crossing his arms as Batman and Kaldur walked off.

     "Look like some ones in trouble" Wally said childishly.

     Lorna Wally and Dick walked over to the zeta tubes in civilian clothing.

     "Where you off to?" Wally asked curiously.

     "I'm going by my house and check on things" Lonra said.

     "What about you know who" he ask  "pionting to Pietro room"

     "He has made it clear he doesn't want anything to do with family" Lorna said stepping into the Zeta tub.

Mount Justice
     Super boy sat on the couch watching static.

     "Would you like me to turn that on?" Megan smiles warmly.

     "No" he says only being slightly defensive.

     "Would you like to help me make dinner?" She asked.

     "No" he says in a monotone voice standing up walking to the kitchen. Megan smiles at him before turing to her cookbook

     "Let’s see… We’re going to need brown sugar" Superboy instinctively ducks as the ingredients floats towards Megan "a little butter, a bowl of flour, and two cups of-” she’s cut off by a loud clatter. Superboy stands still with a bowl on his head and everything on his shirt "Oops" Megan mumbles "I’m so sorry" she apologizes trying  to get the stain out "I should have paid more attention; too much at once. Hello, Megan! I… uh…” she freezes making eye contact.

Gotham City
     Dick was in the gym practice flips. Going two full rotations before doinf a flip and grabbing the rings again.

     "Just Aqualad" he grumbles landing on the floor covered in sweat.

     "Master Bruce wishes to see you" Aflread called standing in the door way. Sick throw a towel around his shoulders and followed. Dick is so caught up in his own thoughts he barely notices a ball bounce in front of him.

    "What’s this?” he asks defensive and confused.

    "Training. Hand-eye coordination" Bruce says in sweats. Dick smiles, titling his head

     "One on one?" he asked a lot more cheerfully.

     "If you think you can handle it" Bruce smiles.

Central City
     Wally sits at the table with his family celebrating Jay's birthday 

     "Here, let me get that" Barry pick up an empty plate disappearing from sight then eappearing. He picks up an empty plate and the butter. "And that, and this, and those, and these" clearing the entire table before zipping around to the kitchen .

     "This, too" Wally holds his plate up with a smile.

     "I got it" Barry takes the plate.

     "Thanks, Uncle Barry" he says smugly.

     "You’re welcome, Kid" Barry replies.

     "You’re a lucky lady, Iris" Wallys mom says "Our Wally certainly isn’t that fast when it comes to clearing the table"

     "Mom!" Wally groans from the kitchen.

“Neither is my Jay, believe me.” the older woman comments, Jay looks none too pleased "I know, I know. You’re a retired speedster.” she pats his hand "since it’s your birthday, we won’t argue"

    "Wally’s fast enough when he wants to be" Barry walks in holding a cake "We’re suddenly out of ice cream.”

     “Wally!” his mom shouts startling him.

     "Umm, Happy Birthday" he says with a spoon in his mouth

Gotham City
     Artemis sits on the ground assembling an arrows and as Policd sirens blare.

    "This came in the mail for you" a woman in a wheelchair says excitedly, waving two pieces of paper.

     "You opened it? Mom!” Artemis groans.

     "Just read it" she says, not a bit remorseful.

     "I’ve been awarded a Scholarship to the Gotham Academy?" she asked confused "But I didn’t apply?"

     "Gotham Academy is very prestigious" the woman moved forward "You should be thrilled"

     "Yeah, I’m not switching schools" she throwing paper onthe coffee table "All my friends are at Gotham North"

     "You’re going, or you give up your extracurriculars.” her move shoved the paper her .

     "Mom, don’t make threats you can’t enforce." she says smugly.

     "This is a chance to better your life!" she hits her arm on the wheelchair "A chance I never had"

     "Okay, mom, I’ll go" Artemis crouches down next to her "I’ll go for you" she smiled giving Artemis a hug.

Coast City
     "Hey Lorna" Nina greeted opening the door.

     "Hey Nina" Lorna smiles warmly at her younger sister. She often contemplated telling Nina the truth. How their father had been lying to them for year. That she had powers to and a brother. In the end it was just easier to say she got powers from the lanterns.

     "How are things?" Nina asked as Lorna entered the house.

     "Good" Lorna said taking off her jacket.

     "So what's it like living with a alien and a clone?" She asked curious.

     "Megan's pretty sweet Superboy he's uh..." Lorna searched for the right words "he has a very hot temper last night he took out a wall trying to hit a fly" they both sat down on the couch.

     "What about your other team mates" Nina asked eagerly.

     "Robin is a little sneak but I like him, Artemis is cool, Kaldur is the greatest leader I've ever seen he even puts the bats to shame" She said leaning back.

     "What about kid Flash" Nina smirked.

     "A royal pain" Lorna rolls her eyes " I swear he can make me so mad-" she was cut of as the door opened.

     "Loran" Erik nodded to his daughter as he stepped in the house.

     "Dad" Lorna responded "I was just about to leave" she picked up her coat "Bye" she smiled hugging Nina the only person in her family she got along with.

     "I wish you didn't have to leave" she frowed.

     "I'll be back" she promised before walking past Erik.

Mount Justice
     "Where's Kaldur" Lorna asked looking for their leader.

     "Aqualad has to desides which world he belongs to" everyone turns as  Kaldur enters "Made your decision?"

     "The decision is made. I am here. One hundred percent.” he answered.

     "Just in time for your next mission" Batman said as the rest of the team runs over to him "The Watchtower detected an immense power surge in the Bialyan Desert..."

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