Episode 3: Hero 101

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"Yo. I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog, a student at UA on my path toward becoming a hero.  Last time, I met up with my pal Izuku again and we're gonna keep working our way to the top and become the next pro heroes! Also, turns out my old... "friend" Mina Ashido made it in too. Boy, this is gonna be a crazy four years. Anyway, we met our class's homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa. Aka, Pro Hero Eraserhead. He gave us a surprise quirk assessment test and threaten to expel whoever fell in last place. Of course, I breezed right through the tests, but thankfully Mr. Aizawa said it was a lie and no one was going home. Geez, don't scare everyone like that man."

The next day arrived and as everyone was waiting for class, to their surprise No.1 All Might appeared.


Kaminari: Woah! It's All Might! He's really here!

Kirishima: He's a teacher here?! Oh man this year's gonna be AWESOME!

Sonic: So that's All Might, huh?

The other students muttered in excitement making comments about the hero before them.

All Might: Welcome to the most important class in your course at UA; Hero 101! Here, you'll learn the basics of being a pro and learn to fight in the name of good, so let's get right into it! Today's lesson: Combat Training!

Sonic and Bakugou: Finally, something interesting!

All Might: However, one of the most important parts of being a pro... IS LOOKING GOOD! So suit up and head to Training Ground Beta!

The entire class acknowledged him and got ready. Sonic was excited to finally show off what he could really do. He grabbed the case with his name on and quickly changed out of his uniform. When Sonic stepped onto the training ground he now wore his traditional red and white sneakers as well as his big cartoony gloves. All Might then spoke again.

All Might: They say that clothes make the hero young ladies and gentlemen. Behold the proof! Take this to heart, from now on, you're all Heroes-in-training! This is getting me all revved up! Let's get started, rookies!

Just then Sonic spots Deku in costume.

Sonic: Hey! Cool suit! You design it?

Deku: Y-Yeah! I designed it with some help from my mom. H-Hey wait... where's your suit?

Sonic: Huh? I'm wearing mine.

Uraraka: Just your sneakers and gloves?

Sonic: Yeah, I figure having any other heavy-duty gear and junk would just slow me down.

Iida: I see. You think by lightening up your load, it will make you even faster. An outstanding strategy, I must say.

Uraraka: *to Deku* Hey, your costume's cool too! Not too flashy, but it's nice!

Deku: *getting a bit flustered and embarrassed* W-Well, I t-think you l-look great in it.

Uraraka: *also getting flustered* T-T-Thanks!

Mina: Sonic! Wait up! No fair, I can't run as fast as you!

Sonic: Maybe you should learn to keep up then.

All Might: Now that you're ready, let the combat training begin!

Iida: *raising his hand* Sir! This is the fake city from the entrance exam. Are we doing urban combat training again?

All Might: Not quite, we'll be moving 2 steps ahead. Most of the villain attacks you on the news and such occur out in the open. However, statistically speaking, most villains fight indoors. Think about it; underground deals, home invasions, secret lairs, and bases. An intelligent villain will stay hidden in the shadows. That's why you'll be split into teams of 2, heroes and villains, and take part in 2-on-2 indoor battles!

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